PARIS - The Director of State Protocol Rose Kabuye, who was recently arrested in Germany, was yesterday transferred to France. Members of the Rwandan Community in France standing outside the Palais de Justice in Paris, France confirmed this, moments after she was reportedly secretly and swiftly whisked into court by French police.
“We were not able to see her as she was hurriedly and secretly rushed into court on arrival here,” Nido Uwera, one of the Rwandans outside the Palais de Justice told The New Times on phone.
Uwera said that they were waiting anxiously to hear the outcome of Kabuye’s first court appearance. She also revealed that the Rwandans in France had earlier been given the go ahead to demonstrate against Kabuye’s arrest.
“We were given permission by the authorities here to protest come this Saturday. We are now planning for the rally.”
Immaculée Rahmatali, another Rwandan waiting outside the court building, also emphatically stated that they would wait till they heard what came out of her first court appearance.
“She is ours and she is innocent and we will wait here until we hear whatever comes out,” she said.
“This is a sad day in the history of international justice, a sad time for diplomacy and the International Justice is in jeopardy,” declared Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama during a live media debate on Kabuye’s arrest yesterday.
“This is about Rose, it’s about Rwanda and it’s about Africa but there is a light at the end of the tunnel because this case is going to unearth many things that have been hidden,” said Foreign Affairs Minister, Rosemary Museminali, who also attended the debate.
Kabuye’s transfer to France coincided with massive protests in Kigali and all over the country and hundreds of thousands converged before the German Embassy condemning the country for what they called an illegitimate arrest.
“The government and the people of Rwanda would like to reiterate their unequivocal demand to have Kabuye unconditionally released as she is an innocent political hostage and we call upon the Federal Republic of Germany and France to cease the judicial harassment of Rwandan officials,” said a government statement read by Mushikiwabo.
Government also reemphasised the request a few months ago by the African Union calling for an imposition of a moratorium on all the indictments against Rwandan officials which officials say, were politically motivated.
From a legal point of view, international law doesn’t permit any foreign judge to indict someone from a different country unless the criminal is an international terrorist…downing of that plane, as unfortunate as it was, could not in any way qualify for an international terror attack,” said Karugarama, who is also the country’s Attorney General.
He added: “Actually, Bruguiere’s method of work was more of terrorist in nature because his report is a political statement full of hate and racist language…it’s like a social research not a judicial document.”
Following the arrest, Rwanda decided to send home Christian Clages, the German Ambassador to Rwanda and recalled Rwanda’s ambassador from Berlin.
Reacting on the next step the government plans to take regarding the diplomatic impasse, Museminali said that this would depend on how Berlin reacts to the arrest.
Immediately after her arrest on November 9, Kabuye opted for her trial to be held in France from where the indictments leading to her illegal arrest were issued.
Kabuye’s arrest in Germany was on the basis of an arrest warrant stemming from controversial and widely condemned indictments by French Judge, Jean Louis Bruguière. He falsely claims that she played a role in the downing of former Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana’s plane.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Rwandans walk with Kabuye to France
The mood in Rwanda was sombre as Rose Kabuye, Director of State Protocol was transferred to France yesterday. There, she is expected to answer charges of an alleged role in the shooting down of the plane carrying former president of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994. She was arrested on Sunday while on official state duty.
People from all over Kigali endured the rain that washed the city and stormed the streets in peaceful demonstrations that climaxed at different points in the city.
The demonstrations were a simultaneous undertaking all over the country denouncing the widely condemned arrest that has also attracted attention from the wider international community.
Carrying banners bearing different messages attacking the arrest, the people were visibly angry with Germany and France for what they called a tactic to blur the role of the French in the 1994 Tutsi Genocide.
“Rose Kabuye is innocent and ready to prove it,” read a banner carried along by workers of Banque Populaire.
“We want justice for Rwandan people. Perpetrators of the Genocide should not live freely in Europe as you arrest our heroes,” read another banner carried by residents of Kicukiro district who also converged at the German embassy.
The demonstrations that lasted over six hours were also joined by children shouting and chanting slogans demanding for the immediate release of Kabuye.
“We want our Rose back, we want our Rose back,” they chanted.
Gary Geddes, a Canadian writer and poet was overwhelmed at how peaceful but meaningful the walk was.
“It was a good demonstration but I would have preferred if people were holding political talks and dialogue to see how to resolve the Kabuye saga,” she said.
Geddes, however, noted that if you talk and people do not respond, it is normal for Rwandans to react the way they are. Shops, restaurants, supermarkets and all public places were closed down to show solidarity against the heavily contested arrest.
Geddes who is researching for a book he is writing about Sub-Saharan Africa emphasised that such actions by Africans were necessary in order to command respect from the western world.
The mood in Rwanda was sombre as Rose Kabuye, Director of State Protocol was transferred to France yesterday. There, she is expected to answer charges of an alleged role in the shooting down of the plane carrying former president of Rwanda Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994. She was arrested on Sunday while on official state duty.
People from all over Kigali endured the rain that washed the city and stormed the streets in peaceful demonstrations that climaxed at different points in the city.
The demonstrations were a simultaneous undertaking all over the country denouncing the widely condemned arrest that has also attracted attention from the wider international community.
Carrying banners bearing different messages attacking the arrest, the people were visibly angry with Germany and France for what they called a tactic to blur the role of the French in the 1994 Tutsi Genocide.
“Rose Kabuye is innocent and ready to prove it,” read a banner carried along by workers of Banque Populaire.
“We want justice for Rwandan people. Perpetrators of the Genocide should not live freely in Europe as you arrest our heroes,” read another banner carried by residents of Kicukiro district who also converged at the German embassy.
The demonstrations that lasted over six hours were also joined by children shouting and chanting slogans demanding for the immediate release of Kabuye.
“We want our Rose back, we want our Rose back,” they chanted.
Gary Geddes, a Canadian writer and poet was overwhelmed at how peaceful but meaningful the walk was.
“It was a good demonstration but I would have preferred if people were holding political talks and dialogue to see how to resolve the Kabuye saga,” she said.
Geddes, however, noted that if you talk and people do not respond, it is normal for Rwandans to react the way they are. Shops, restaurants, supermarkets and all public places were closed down to show solidarity against the heavily contested arrest.
Geddes who is researching for a book he is writing about Sub-Saharan Africa emphasised that such actions by Africans were necessary in order to command respect from the western world.
Rwanda aide questioned in France
A senior Rwandan presidential aide has been placed under formal investigation in Paris over the killing of a former Rwandan president.
Rose Kabuye was extradited to France from Germany. She was detained in Frankfurt last week.
She is one of nine officials accused of involvement in the shooting down of Juvenal Habyarimana's plane in 1994, which helped trigger Rwanda's genocide.
She has denied any involvement and her arrest has led to protests in Rwanda.
Ms Kabuye is a popular figure in Rwanda and, on Wednesday, thousands of people turned out for what appeared to be highly organised demonstrations against her extradition in Rwanda's capital, Kigali.
"People of Rwanda have come together once again to appeal to the international community to join us in denouncing this political manipulation of international justice by certain Western countries," said one protester.
French officials took charge of Ms Kabuye in Frankfurt, and she was flown to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris aboard an Air France jet.
From there she was transferred to the main law courts in Paris to appear before anti-terrorist judge Marc Trevidic, Ms Kabuye's lawyer Bernard Maingain told the AFP news agency.
Judicial officials confirmed she had been put under judicial investigation - in effect, charged - with "complicity in murder in relation to terrorism".
'Illegal and flawed'
Correspondents say Ms Kabuye, a former guerrilla fighter with the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), now Rwanda's ruling party, has heroic status in Rwanda.
People demonstrate in support of Rose Kabuye, in Kigali, Rwanda (19/11/2008)
Correspondents said the Kigali protests did not appear spontaneous
She has served as an MP and mayor of Kigali, and is one of President Paul Kagame's closest aides.
Mr Kagame has condemned the arrest, claiming Ms Kabuye held diplomatic immunity.
Rwandan Foreign Minister Rosemary Museminali has described the arrest of Ms Kabuye as "illegal and flawed".
She told the BBC on Monday that the arrest had been "based on politically motivated information".
The plane carrying President Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down on 6 April 1994, as Mr Kagame's Tutsi rebels were advancing on Kigali.
The two French pilots and the president of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira, were also killed.
The Hutu extremist government accused the RPF of the assassination. Within hours, militias set up roadblocks and started to systematically murder any Tutsis or moderate Hutus they could find.
The RPF has always accused the Hutu extremists of shooting down the plane, to provide a pretext for carrying out their genocidal plans.
Some 800,000 people were slaughtered in just 100 days before Mr Kagame's forces ousted the Hutu government.
Rose Kabuye was extradited to France from Germany. She was detained in Frankfurt last week.
She is one of nine officials accused of involvement in the shooting down of Juvenal Habyarimana's plane in 1994, which helped trigger Rwanda's genocide.
She has denied any involvement and her arrest has led to protests in Rwanda.
Ms Kabuye is a popular figure in Rwanda and, on Wednesday, thousands of people turned out for what appeared to be highly organised demonstrations against her extradition in Rwanda's capital, Kigali.
"People of Rwanda have come together once again to appeal to the international community to join us in denouncing this political manipulation of international justice by certain Western countries," said one protester.
French officials took charge of Ms Kabuye in Frankfurt, and she was flown to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris aboard an Air France jet.
From there she was transferred to the main law courts in Paris to appear before anti-terrorist judge Marc Trevidic, Ms Kabuye's lawyer Bernard Maingain told the AFP news agency.
Judicial officials confirmed she had been put under judicial investigation - in effect, charged - with "complicity in murder in relation to terrorism".
'Illegal and flawed'
Correspondents say Ms Kabuye, a former guerrilla fighter with the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF), now Rwanda's ruling party, has heroic status in Rwanda.
People demonstrate in support of Rose Kabuye, in Kigali, Rwanda (19/11/2008)
Correspondents said the Kigali protests did not appear spontaneous
She has served as an MP and mayor of Kigali, and is one of President Paul Kagame's closest aides.
Mr Kagame has condemned the arrest, claiming Ms Kabuye held diplomatic immunity.
Rwandan Foreign Minister Rosemary Museminali has described the arrest of Ms Kabuye as "illegal and flawed".
She told the BBC on Monday that the arrest had been "based on politically motivated information".
The plane carrying President Habyarimana, a Hutu, was shot down on 6 April 1994, as Mr Kagame's Tutsi rebels were advancing on Kigali.
The two French pilots and the president of Burundi, Cyprien Ntaryamira, were also killed.
The Hutu extremist government accused the RPF of the assassination. Within hours, militias set up roadblocks and started to systematically murder any Tutsis or moderate Hutus they could find.
The RPF has always accused the Hutu extremists of shooting down the plane, to provide a pretext for carrying out their genocidal plans.
Some 800,000 people were slaughtered in just 100 days before Mr Kagame's forces ousted the Hutu government.
Obama: Oratory and originality
By Stephanie Holmes
BBC News
US President-elect Barack Obama's rhetorical skill, his ability to captivate and inspire audiences with his powerful speeches, has led some writers to describe him as the greatest orator of his generation.
Barack Obama makes a speech
The power of the word: Mr Obama is inspired by earlier orators
What is the secret of his success - the words themselves, the way he delivers them, or the historical change he represents?
"I believe Barack Obama embodies, more than any other politician, the ideals of American eloquence," says Ekaterina Haskins, professor of rhetoric at the University of Iowa.
His speeches, she argues, are shaded with subtle echoes of great speeches past, consciously creating a sense of history, purpose and continuity.
Past ghosts
"He has certainly studied all of his predecessors, he is quite aware of the rhetorical heritage that he draws on," Ms Haskins explains. "He clearly sees himself as a descendant of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King."
"He is summoning the ghosts of previous leaders and presidents who Americans have learnt to revere."
MARTIN LUTHER KING: I may not get there with you but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land
BARACK OBAMA: The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there
On winning the election, his Chicago address echoed two of the most famous speeches in US history - Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Gettysburg address and the words spoken by assassinated civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King the day before his death.
Philip Collins, a speech-writer for former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, is in no doubt that Mr Obama owes his success to his oratorical gifts.
"He has shown the power of brilliant rhetorical force," says Mr Collins, a leader writer for the UK's Times newspaper.
Initially, Mr Obama's speeches, peppered with references to lofty ideals like "change", "promise" and "belief" prompted criticism that they were devoid of content and policy.
He began to add policy detail as the campaign progressed but his speech at the Democratic Convention was regarded as less engaging by some observers, precisely because of the number of concrete proposals it contained.
Peopled by personalities
Ms Haskins argues that Mr Obama has other techniques for avoiding the charge of pure rhetoric, adding weight and depth to the abstract with solid illustrations.
Barack Obama tells supporters 'This is our moment'
"Rhetoric always has the connotations of being about appearances rather than reality but he doesn't sound false. He plays with the patriotic abstractions that allow for a certain kind of rhetorical manoeuvring and fills them with specific concrete examples," she says.
His victory speech, delivered in Chicago, channelled broad ideas of the struggle of a generation through the eyes of 106-year-old Ann Nixon Cooper, who has become a celebrity in her own right.
But does the poetry of his campaign risk stumbling when it faces the more prosaic role of holding office?
Barack Obama: A More Perfect Union [55KB]
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Many commentators pinpoint the "A More Perfect Union" speech, made in March 2008 in the aftermath of a scandal about his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, as one of Mr Obama's finest.
Evidence of Rev Wright's inflammatory sermons risked irrevocably damaging Mr Obama's candidacy but his response managed to tackle the question of race in US society with delicacy.
It was a speech which wrapped the experience of different races together, expressing understanding for the deep-seated, lingering resentments of each and presenting himself as the embodiment of unity.
His style of delivery is basically churchy, it's religious: the way he slides down some words and hits others
Philip Collins
Journalist and speech-writer
For Mr Collins, it remains the only speech, so far, that will not fade. Rousing campaigning speeches, however perfectly pitched and presented, he says, do not test the true mettle of a politician. What does is a speech that attempts to change the opinions of those who disagree with you.
"The weakness of Obama's rhetoric so far is that it is so agreeable. There is almost nothing he says with which you can disagree. We need to wait for the big moments, the foreign policy challenges, for the great Obama speeches."
'It's about the tune'
Yet print out and read a transcript of a speech by Mr Obama and you may be disappointed. Virginia Sapiro, professor of political science at Boston University, suggests this is because the way Mr Obama delivers his speeches is as important as his words.
"He looks at all times in possession of himself - he is very calm, with an inner peace in his delivery which, in a time of crisis, is very important."
Ms Haskins agrees: "I've been going through his speeches textually. The text alone cannot tell us why they are so powerful, it is about delivery."
He may have calmness, notes Mr Collins, but the range of his delivery - the way he alters his pace, tone and rhythm - is closer to song.
"His style of delivery is basically churchy, it's religious: the way he slides down some words and hits others - the intonation, the emphasis, the pauses and the silences," he explains.
"He is close to singing, just as preaching is close to singing. All writing is a rhythm of kinds and he brings it out, hits the tune. It's about the tune, not the lyrics, with Obama."
BBC News
US President-elect Barack Obama's rhetorical skill, his ability to captivate and inspire audiences with his powerful speeches, has led some writers to describe him as the greatest orator of his generation.
Barack Obama makes a speech
The power of the word: Mr Obama is inspired by earlier orators
What is the secret of his success - the words themselves, the way he delivers them, or the historical change he represents?
"I believe Barack Obama embodies, more than any other politician, the ideals of American eloquence," says Ekaterina Haskins, professor of rhetoric at the University of Iowa.
His speeches, she argues, are shaded with subtle echoes of great speeches past, consciously creating a sense of history, purpose and continuity.
Past ghosts
"He has certainly studied all of his predecessors, he is quite aware of the rhetorical heritage that he draws on," Ms Haskins explains. "He clearly sees himself as a descendant of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King."
"He is summoning the ghosts of previous leaders and presidents who Americans have learnt to revere."
MARTIN LUTHER KING: I may not get there with you but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land
BARACK OBAMA: The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one term. But, America, I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you, we as a people will get there
On winning the election, his Chicago address echoed two of the most famous speeches in US history - Abraham Lincoln's 1863 Gettysburg address and the words spoken by assassinated civil rights campaigner Martin Luther King the day before his death.
Philip Collins, a speech-writer for former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair, is in no doubt that Mr Obama owes his success to his oratorical gifts.
"He has shown the power of brilliant rhetorical force," says Mr Collins, a leader writer for the UK's Times newspaper.
Initially, Mr Obama's speeches, peppered with references to lofty ideals like "change", "promise" and "belief" prompted criticism that they were devoid of content and policy.
He began to add policy detail as the campaign progressed but his speech at the Democratic Convention was regarded as less engaging by some observers, precisely because of the number of concrete proposals it contained.
Peopled by personalities
Ms Haskins argues that Mr Obama has other techniques for avoiding the charge of pure rhetoric, adding weight and depth to the abstract with solid illustrations.
Barack Obama tells supporters 'This is our moment'
"Rhetoric always has the connotations of being about appearances rather than reality but he doesn't sound false. He plays with the patriotic abstractions that allow for a certain kind of rhetorical manoeuvring and fills them with specific concrete examples," she says.
His victory speech, delivered in Chicago, channelled broad ideas of the struggle of a generation through the eyes of 106-year-old Ann Nixon Cooper, who has become a celebrity in her own right.
But does the poetry of his campaign risk stumbling when it faces the more prosaic role of holding office?
Barack Obama: A More Perfect Union [55KB]
Most computers will open this document automatically, but you may need Adobe Reader
Download the reader here
Many commentators pinpoint the "A More Perfect Union" speech, made in March 2008 in the aftermath of a scandal about his former pastor, Reverend Jeremiah Wright, as one of Mr Obama's finest.
Evidence of Rev Wright's inflammatory sermons risked irrevocably damaging Mr Obama's candidacy but his response managed to tackle the question of race in US society with delicacy.
It was a speech which wrapped the experience of different races together, expressing understanding for the deep-seated, lingering resentments of each and presenting himself as the embodiment of unity.
His style of delivery is basically churchy, it's religious: the way he slides down some words and hits others
Philip Collins
Journalist and speech-writer
For Mr Collins, it remains the only speech, so far, that will not fade. Rousing campaigning speeches, however perfectly pitched and presented, he says, do not test the true mettle of a politician. What does is a speech that attempts to change the opinions of those who disagree with you.
"The weakness of Obama's rhetoric so far is that it is so agreeable. There is almost nothing he says with which you can disagree. We need to wait for the big moments, the foreign policy challenges, for the great Obama speeches."
'It's about the tune'
Yet print out and read a transcript of a speech by Mr Obama and you may be disappointed. Virginia Sapiro, professor of political science at Boston University, suggests this is because the way Mr Obama delivers his speeches is as important as his words.
"He looks at all times in possession of himself - he is very calm, with an inner peace in his delivery which, in a time of crisis, is very important."
Ms Haskins agrees: "I've been going through his speeches textually. The text alone cannot tell us why they are so powerful, it is about delivery."
He may have calmness, notes Mr Collins, but the range of his delivery - the way he alters his pace, tone and rhythm - is closer to song.
"His style of delivery is basically churchy, it's religious: the way he slides down some words and hits others - the intonation, the emphasis, the pauses and the silences," he explains.
"He is close to singing, just as preaching is close to singing. All writing is a rhythm of kinds and he brings it out, hits the tune. It's about the tune, not the lyrics, with Obama."
Le numéro 2 d'Al-Qaïda traite Obama d'"esclave noir" au service des Blancs
Le numéro 2 d'Al-Qaïda, Ayman Zawahiri, a traité le président élu des Etats-Unis, Barack Obama, d'"esclave noir" au service des Blancs, dans un message diffusé mercredi sur l'internet.
Dans sa première intervention depuis la victoire électorale de M. Obama au début du mois, l'adjoint d'Oussama ben Laden, cité par le centre américain de surveillance de sites islamistes SITE, dénonce également l'envoi de renforts américains en Afghanistan, promis par le prochain président.
L'enregistrement intitulé "le départ de Bush et l'arrivée d'Obama" qualifie le premier Noir à accéder à la présidence et d'autres Noirs occupant ou ayant occupé d'importantes fonctions aux Etats-Unis "d'esclaves noirs domestiques", qui vivaient dans la maison de leurs maîtres blancs.
"Ce que Malcolm X disait au sujet des esclaves employés de maison s'applique à vous et à des gens comme vous", a dit Zawahiri mentionnant l'ancien secrétaire d'Etat Colin Powell et son successeur Condoleezza Rice.
Le message est accompagné d'une photo de Malcolm X, un militant musulman noir américain qui fut assassiné en 1965.
"Vous représentez l'opposé de Noirs américains honorables comme Malcolm X", ajoute Zawahiri, alors que l'on entend en fond sonore des discours du militant noir sur les droits de l'Homme et l'égalité.
L'équipe de transition du président élu n'a pas voulu commenter ces déclarations. Mais le département d'Etat a déclaré que "ce n'étaient que des commentaires abjects de plus de la part d'un terroriste".
"Si quiconque avait besoin de faire la différence entre les valeurs démocratiques de l'Occident et des Etats-Unis et les valeurs des terroristes, il n'a pas besoin d'aller beaucoup plus loin", a dit le porte-parole Sean McCormack.
Le message est aussi illustré d'un portrait de Zawahiri portant un turban blanc à côté d'une photo de M. Obama priant au mur des Lamentations lors d'une visite en Israël cette année, avant son élection.
Le numéro deux d'Al-Qaïda reproche au prochain président américain d'"avoir choisi d'être un ennemi de l'islam et des musulmans", déclarant que la communauté musulmane "avait réagi avec amertume" à la promesse de M. Obama de soutenir Israël.
"Vous avez choisi de rejoindre les rangs des ennemis des musulmans et de dire la prière des juifs, bien que vous affirmiez que votre mère était chrétienne", a-t-il dit.
Sur la guerre d'Afghanistan, un dossier auquel M. Obama a dit vouloir donner la priorité, le No2 d'Al-Qaïda avertit: "Ce que vous avez annoncé... que vous retirerez des soldats (américains) d'Irak (pour les envoyer) en Afghanistan est une politique vouée à l'échec".
"Si vous continuez à vous entêter dans l'échec américain en Afghanistan, souvenez-vous du sort du (président américain George W.) Bush, de (l'ancien président pakistanais) Pervez Musharraf et du sort des Soviétiques et des Britanniques avant eux", en Afghanistan, a-t-il ajouté.
"Méfiez-vous, les chiens (errants) d'Afghanistan ont goûté la chair de vos soldats, alors envoyez-les par milliers", dit-il, ajoutant que M. Obama allait "hériter d'un lourd passé d'échecs".
Quelque 150.000 militaires américains sont encore en Irak, contre 32.000 en Afghanistan, où le conflit avec les insurgés talibans fait rage.
Commentant l'élection du 4 novembre, Zawahiri estime qu'"en votant Obama, le peuple américain a manifesté sa peur du sort qui pourrait lui valoir des politique comme celles de Bush."
"Ils ont décidé de soutenir celui qui appelait à un retrait d'Irak", a-t-il dit.
Selon un responsable américain du contre-terrorisme, "le message contient peu de surprise, sinon aucune. S'il faut vraiment le commenter, il montre combien Al-Qaïda est déconnectée du reste du monde. Mais ne nous y trompons pas, c'est toujours un groupe qui peut infliger de sérieux dégâts".
Dans sa première intervention depuis la victoire électorale de M. Obama au début du mois, l'adjoint d'Oussama ben Laden, cité par le centre américain de surveillance de sites islamistes SITE, dénonce également l'envoi de renforts américains en Afghanistan, promis par le prochain président.
L'enregistrement intitulé "le départ de Bush et l'arrivée d'Obama" qualifie le premier Noir à accéder à la présidence et d'autres Noirs occupant ou ayant occupé d'importantes fonctions aux Etats-Unis "d'esclaves noirs domestiques", qui vivaient dans la maison de leurs maîtres blancs.
"Ce que Malcolm X disait au sujet des esclaves employés de maison s'applique à vous et à des gens comme vous", a dit Zawahiri mentionnant l'ancien secrétaire d'Etat Colin Powell et son successeur Condoleezza Rice.
Le message est accompagné d'une photo de Malcolm X, un militant musulman noir américain qui fut assassiné en 1965.
"Vous représentez l'opposé de Noirs américains honorables comme Malcolm X", ajoute Zawahiri, alors que l'on entend en fond sonore des discours du militant noir sur les droits de l'Homme et l'égalité.
L'équipe de transition du président élu n'a pas voulu commenter ces déclarations. Mais le département d'Etat a déclaré que "ce n'étaient que des commentaires abjects de plus de la part d'un terroriste".
"Si quiconque avait besoin de faire la différence entre les valeurs démocratiques de l'Occident et des Etats-Unis et les valeurs des terroristes, il n'a pas besoin d'aller beaucoup plus loin", a dit le porte-parole Sean McCormack.
Le message est aussi illustré d'un portrait de Zawahiri portant un turban blanc à côté d'une photo de M. Obama priant au mur des Lamentations lors d'une visite en Israël cette année, avant son élection.
Le numéro deux d'Al-Qaïda reproche au prochain président américain d'"avoir choisi d'être un ennemi de l'islam et des musulmans", déclarant que la communauté musulmane "avait réagi avec amertume" à la promesse de M. Obama de soutenir Israël.
"Vous avez choisi de rejoindre les rangs des ennemis des musulmans et de dire la prière des juifs, bien que vous affirmiez que votre mère était chrétienne", a-t-il dit.
Sur la guerre d'Afghanistan, un dossier auquel M. Obama a dit vouloir donner la priorité, le No2 d'Al-Qaïda avertit: "Ce que vous avez annoncé... que vous retirerez des soldats (américains) d'Irak (pour les envoyer) en Afghanistan est une politique vouée à l'échec".
"Si vous continuez à vous entêter dans l'échec américain en Afghanistan, souvenez-vous du sort du (président américain George W.) Bush, de (l'ancien président pakistanais) Pervez Musharraf et du sort des Soviétiques et des Britanniques avant eux", en Afghanistan, a-t-il ajouté.
"Méfiez-vous, les chiens (errants) d'Afghanistan ont goûté la chair de vos soldats, alors envoyez-les par milliers", dit-il, ajoutant que M. Obama allait "hériter d'un lourd passé d'échecs".
Quelque 150.000 militaires américains sont encore en Irak, contre 32.000 en Afghanistan, où le conflit avec les insurgés talibans fait rage.
Commentant l'élection du 4 novembre, Zawahiri estime qu'"en votant Obama, le peuple américain a manifesté sa peur du sort qui pourrait lui valoir des politique comme celles de Bush."
"Ils ont décidé de soutenir celui qui appelait à un retrait d'Irak", a-t-il dit.
Selon un responsable américain du contre-terrorisme, "le message contient peu de surprise, sinon aucune. S'il faut vraiment le commenter, il montre combien Al-Qaïda est déconnectée du reste du monde. Mais ne nous y trompons pas, c'est toujours un groupe qui peut infliger de sérieux dégâts".
Kabuye: 'I'm not scared because I'm innocent'
France - Rwanda - trial
Thursday 20 November 2008
Rwandan official Rose Kabuye was granted bail after a French court charged her for complicity to murder over the killing of President Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994. In an exclusive interview with F24 Kabuye said she will prove her innocence.
French judicial officials on Wednesday charged a longtime comrade-in-arms of Rwanda's president over an assassination in the run-up to the 1994 genocide, as anti-European protests unfolded in Kigali.
Germany extradited Rose Kabuye, a former guerrilla leader who now serves as chief of protocol to President Paul Kagame, 10 days after police acting on a French warrant arrested her as she arrived at Frankfurt airport.
French officials took charge of her in Frankfurt, and she was flown to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris aboard an Air France jet.
From there she was transferred to the main law courts in Paris to appear before anti-terrorism investigating magistrate Marc Trevidic, Kabuye's lawyer Bernard Maingain told AFP.
Judicial officials later confirmed Kabuye was put under judicial investigation -- in effect, charged -- with "complicity in murder in relation to terrorism".
She was later released on condition she not leave France without permission and appear when requested by magistrates, her lawyers said.
"I'm not so scared because I am very innocent," Kabuye said on the France24 television news channel after being released.
"I know that when I get a chance to explain what happened everything will be okay, so I am not scared," she added.
French investigators suspect Kabuye, 47, of involvement in the downing of an executive jet that killed presidents Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi and two French pilots on April 6, 1994.
Habyarimana's ethnic Hutu supporters went on the rampage following the attack, slaughtering 800,000 ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu men, women and children in a 100-day orgy of bloodletting.
French investigators accuse Kagame's Tutsi rebels of attacking the Falcon 500 jet, although other observers have speculated that Hutu hardliners killed their own president to serve as a pretext for the subsequent killings.
Kabuye was a senior military leader during Kagame's successful war to drive out the genocidal Hutu militias, and the arrest of his trusted lieutenant has cast a fresh chill on already frosty ties with France.
Rwanda severed diplomatic relations with Paris in 2006 after a French anti-terrorism judge issued their first arrest warrants over the case.
Kagame accuses France of having actively supported the Hutu militias, and the legal dispute has stymied attempts by both governments to re-establish friendly ties 14 years after the massacre.
He has accused Europe of persecuting the genocide's survivors instead of hunting its perpetrators, some of whom are said to be living in Europe.
Large numbers are also believed to be involved in unrest currently shaking neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
"It is not only Rose who is in the dock, it is Rwanda that is in the dock," Kagame said on Monday.
Her arrest led to three days of demonstrations in Rwanda and on Wednesday tens of thousands of people again took to the streets of Kigali to vent their anger.
Large numbers were seen by an AFP correspondent converging on the German embassy -- Rwanda expelled the German ambassador after Kabuye's arrest -- and the local offices of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
Kigali, however, may soon turn the tables on Paris.
Judicial sources there say Rwandan prosecutors could soon issue warrants and indictments against some of the 33 political and military French officials named in a Rwandan report on France's alleged role in the events of 1994.
These who could find themselves accused include former prime ministers Alain Juppe and Dominique de Villepin and former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine.
Some European investigators fear that Kabuye deliberately delivered herself to German authorities so her lawyers could gain access to the case files prepared against her and other Kagame allies.
Thursday 20 November 2008
Rwandan official Rose Kabuye was granted bail after a French court charged her for complicity to murder over the killing of President Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994. In an exclusive interview with F24 Kabuye said she will prove her innocence.
French judicial officials on Wednesday charged a longtime comrade-in-arms of Rwanda's president over an assassination in the run-up to the 1994 genocide, as anti-European protests unfolded in Kigali.
Germany extradited Rose Kabuye, a former guerrilla leader who now serves as chief of protocol to President Paul Kagame, 10 days after police acting on a French warrant arrested her as she arrived at Frankfurt airport.
French officials took charge of her in Frankfurt, and she was flown to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris aboard an Air France jet.
From there she was transferred to the main law courts in Paris to appear before anti-terrorism investigating magistrate Marc Trevidic, Kabuye's lawyer Bernard Maingain told AFP.
Judicial officials later confirmed Kabuye was put under judicial investigation -- in effect, charged -- with "complicity in murder in relation to terrorism".
She was later released on condition she not leave France without permission and appear when requested by magistrates, her lawyers said.
"I'm not so scared because I am very innocent," Kabuye said on the France24 television news channel after being released.
"I know that when I get a chance to explain what happened everything will be okay, so I am not scared," she added.
French investigators suspect Kabuye, 47, of involvement in the downing of an executive jet that killed presidents Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi and two French pilots on April 6, 1994.
Habyarimana's ethnic Hutu supporters went on the rampage following the attack, slaughtering 800,000 ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu men, women and children in a 100-day orgy of bloodletting.
French investigators accuse Kagame's Tutsi rebels of attacking the Falcon 500 jet, although other observers have speculated that Hutu hardliners killed their own president to serve as a pretext for the subsequent killings.
Kabuye was a senior military leader during Kagame's successful war to drive out the genocidal Hutu militias, and the arrest of his trusted lieutenant has cast a fresh chill on already frosty ties with France.
Rwanda severed diplomatic relations with Paris in 2006 after a French anti-terrorism judge issued their first arrest warrants over the case.
Kagame accuses France of having actively supported the Hutu militias, and the legal dispute has stymied attempts by both governments to re-establish friendly ties 14 years after the massacre.
He has accused Europe of persecuting the genocide's survivors instead of hunting its perpetrators, some of whom are said to be living in Europe.
Large numbers are also believed to be involved in unrest currently shaking neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo.
"It is not only Rose who is in the dock, it is Rwanda that is in the dock," Kagame said on Monday.
Her arrest led to three days of demonstrations in Rwanda and on Wednesday tens of thousands of people again took to the streets of Kigali to vent their anger.
Large numbers were seen by an AFP correspondent converging on the German embassy -- Rwanda expelled the German ambassador after Kabuye's arrest -- and the local offices of German broadcaster Deutsche Welle.
Kigali, however, may soon turn the tables on Paris.
Judicial sources there say Rwandan prosecutors could soon issue warrants and indictments against some of the 33 political and military French officials named in a Rwandan report on France's alleged role in the events of 1994.
These who could find themselves accused include former prime ministers Alain Juppe and Dominique de Villepin and former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine.
Some European investigators fear that Kabuye deliberately delivered herself to German authorities so her lawyers could gain access to the case files prepared against her and other Kagame allies.
Who is Rwanda’s Rose Kabuye?
Timothy Kalyegira
The Chief of Protocol in the Office of the President in Rwanda, Lt. Col. Rose N. Kabuye, has been in the news this week over her arrest in Frankfurt, Germany on Sunday, November 9.
She is wanted in France as one of the suspects for an arrest warrant was issued by the French anti-terrorist judge Jean-Louis Bruguière in November 2006 over the April 1994 shooting down of the Rwandese presidential jet, the act that triggered off the genocide.
Lt. Col. Kabuye was concurrently issued with an arrest warrant in February by the Spanish judge, Fernando Andreu, over what he called atrocities committed by her and 40 RPA officers in the period following the RPF’s rise to power in Rwanda after 1994.
Lt. Col. Kabuye was raised in the Nakivale Refugee Camp in western Uganda, the same camp that was home to some of the founders of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF).
She attended primary and secondary school in western Uganda then went on to Makerere University in Kampala in 1986 where she studied political science. After university, she joined the then Ugandan national army, the National Resistance Army (NRA) at the rank of lieutenant.
She got a job in the Uganda’s Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Local Government as a personal assistant (or possibly aide-de-camp) to Major (rtd) Nuwe Amanya Mushega, when he was the minister in both those ministries.
She also was an aide to the then army commander, Major-General Elly Tumwine and at some point stayed at his home in Kololo, a suburb of Kampala.
She got married to Lt. (now Captain) David Kabuye in 1988. Until April 2007, David Kabuye was the Managing Director of the New Times newspaper of Rwanda but lost his job in still controversial circumstances, leading to speculation that he had fallen out with the Kagame regime. He is also a businessman but maintains a low profile in society.
In October 1990, Lt. Rose Kabuye was one of the fighters that went into Rwanda as part of the first invasion force of the RPF.
Today, at the rank of Lt. Col. Kabuye is the highest-ranking and some say most influential woman officer in the Rwandan army.
The Qatar-based satellite television Al-Jazeera on November 11 described her as something of “an iconic figure” in Rwanda. Unlike many women who served the RPA in uniform in an honorary capacity, Lt. Col. Kabuye was an actual soldier.
At that time, she was nursing a two-month old baby and sometimes appeared at RPF press conferences holding the baby and by that, capturing the attention of the world’s photojournalists covering the war.
In 1993, the now Major Rose Kabuye was arrested on the orders of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) commander, Major-General Paul Kagame. She spent the better part of a year in the RPA jail. It is not clear what offence, if any, led to her detention.
During her time in jail, she spent most of her days and nights listening to world and local news on her small black World Band radio model. She told some of her guards that she was a lawyer by profession and got along well with them.
At that time she and her husband David Kabuye had grown distant and although a few senior RPA came to visit her in jail, her husband did not once come, according to people in the know.
During her time in jail, her extreme distaste for the Hutu people came strongly across. She blamed them for sending her Tutsi people into exile and in particular, said some of her relatives had been sent to a refugee camp near the Tanzania border where they died of cholera.
Lt. Col. Kabuye also said that if by any chance the RPA could capture alive the then army commander, Major General Deogratias Nsabimana, they would get him to join the RPA because, although a Hutu and loyalist to Habyarimana, he was a very well-trained and professional soldier.
She also explained how the Rwandese Tutsi exiles had worked their way into Ugandan society in the 1960s. She said beautiful girls among the refugees would be handpicked, married off to prominent Ugandans, with the hope that some of that money would be sent back to the refugee camps to help educate the young school-age children.
Upon her release from detention, Lt. Col. Kabuye was deployed at the RPA’s headquarters in Mulindi where she handled administrative and logistical work. She was also part of the RPF team that planned and attended the peace talks with the MRND government of Habyarimana, in Arusha, Tanzania.
After the RPF took power in Kigali in July 1994, she worked in its administrative structures and later became the second RPF-appointed mayor of the capital.
She gained a reputation both for her toughness and notoriety, reported on some occasions to slap male clerks who worked under her in the mayor’s office. Some people familiar with Lt. Col. Kabuye say she is the kind of person whom, when she enters a room, people keep quiet.
According to another source who knew her well, Rose Kabuye as Mayor of Kigali used to wear army combat uniform and behave in what he called a “suicide way”, the term in Uganda for flamboyant, publicity-seeking stunts among army officers.
In recent years, a number of leading RPF/RPA figures started to fall out with or at least have strained relations with President Kagame. Officially, she was sidelined after she involved herself in business (something illegal for a serving army officer in Rwanda) and got embroiled in a number of corrupt dealings such as that of the construction of the taxi park.
Some sources say Lt. Col. Kabuye, who was close to the late Major-General Fred Rwigyema (RPF’s first leader), was suspected of being sympathetic to the disgruntled elements and so was transferred to the President’s Office in the less influential position of Chief of Protocol.
The Chief of Protocol in the Office of the President in Rwanda, Lt. Col. Rose N. Kabuye, has been in the news this week over her arrest in Frankfurt, Germany on Sunday, November 9.
She is wanted in France as one of the suspects for an arrest warrant was issued by the French anti-terrorist judge Jean-Louis Bruguière in November 2006 over the April 1994 shooting down of the Rwandese presidential jet, the act that triggered off the genocide.
Lt. Col. Kabuye was concurrently issued with an arrest warrant in February by the Spanish judge, Fernando Andreu, over what he called atrocities committed by her and 40 RPA officers in the period following the RPF’s rise to power in Rwanda after 1994.
Lt. Col. Kabuye was raised in the Nakivale Refugee Camp in western Uganda, the same camp that was home to some of the founders of the Rwandan Patriotic Front (RPF).
She attended primary and secondary school in western Uganda then went on to Makerere University in Kampala in 1986 where she studied political science. After university, she joined the then Ugandan national army, the National Resistance Army (NRA) at the rank of lieutenant.
She got a job in the Uganda’s Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Local Government as a personal assistant (or possibly aide-de-camp) to Major (rtd) Nuwe Amanya Mushega, when he was the minister in both those ministries.
She also was an aide to the then army commander, Major-General Elly Tumwine and at some point stayed at his home in Kololo, a suburb of Kampala.
She got married to Lt. (now Captain) David Kabuye in 1988. Until April 2007, David Kabuye was the Managing Director of the New Times newspaper of Rwanda but lost his job in still controversial circumstances, leading to speculation that he had fallen out with the Kagame regime. He is also a businessman but maintains a low profile in society.
In October 1990, Lt. Rose Kabuye was one of the fighters that went into Rwanda as part of the first invasion force of the RPF.
Today, at the rank of Lt. Col. Kabuye is the highest-ranking and some say most influential woman officer in the Rwandan army.
The Qatar-based satellite television Al-Jazeera on November 11 described her as something of “an iconic figure” in Rwanda. Unlike many women who served the RPA in uniform in an honorary capacity, Lt. Col. Kabuye was an actual soldier.
At that time, she was nursing a two-month old baby and sometimes appeared at RPF press conferences holding the baby and by that, capturing the attention of the world’s photojournalists covering the war.
In 1993, the now Major Rose Kabuye was arrested on the orders of the Rwandan Patriotic Army (RPA) commander, Major-General Paul Kagame. She spent the better part of a year in the RPA jail. It is not clear what offence, if any, led to her detention.
During her time in jail, she spent most of her days and nights listening to world and local news on her small black World Band radio model. She told some of her guards that she was a lawyer by profession and got along well with them.
At that time she and her husband David Kabuye had grown distant and although a few senior RPA came to visit her in jail, her husband did not once come, according to people in the know.
During her time in jail, her extreme distaste for the Hutu people came strongly across. She blamed them for sending her Tutsi people into exile and in particular, said some of her relatives had been sent to a refugee camp near the Tanzania border where they died of cholera.
Lt. Col. Kabuye also said that if by any chance the RPA could capture alive the then army commander, Major General Deogratias Nsabimana, they would get him to join the RPA because, although a Hutu and loyalist to Habyarimana, he was a very well-trained and professional soldier.
She also explained how the Rwandese Tutsi exiles had worked their way into Ugandan society in the 1960s. She said beautiful girls among the refugees would be handpicked, married off to prominent Ugandans, with the hope that some of that money would be sent back to the refugee camps to help educate the young school-age children.
Upon her release from detention, Lt. Col. Kabuye was deployed at the RPA’s headquarters in Mulindi where she handled administrative and logistical work. She was also part of the RPF team that planned and attended the peace talks with the MRND government of Habyarimana, in Arusha, Tanzania.
After the RPF took power in Kigali in July 1994, she worked in its administrative structures and later became the second RPF-appointed mayor of the capital.
She gained a reputation both for her toughness and notoriety, reported on some occasions to slap male clerks who worked under her in the mayor’s office. Some people familiar with Lt. Col. Kabuye say she is the kind of person whom, when she enters a room, people keep quiet.
According to another source who knew her well, Rose Kabuye as Mayor of Kigali used to wear army combat uniform and behave in what he called a “suicide way”, the term in Uganda for flamboyant, publicity-seeking stunts among army officers.
In recent years, a number of leading RPF/RPA figures started to fall out with or at least have strained relations with President Kagame. Officially, she was sidelined after she involved herself in business (something illegal for a serving army officer in Rwanda) and got embroiled in a number of corrupt dealings such as that of the construction of the taxi park.
Some sources say Lt. Col. Kabuye, who was close to the late Major-General Fred Rwigyema (RPF’s first leader), was suspected of being sympathetic to the disgruntled elements and so was transferred to the President’s Office in the less influential position of Chief of Protocol.
Uganda, AU protest arrest of Kagame’s aide
By KEZIO-MUSOKE DAVID, Nation Correspondent
KIGALI, Wednesday - As street protests continued for the third day, in Kigali the Rwandan capital, the government in Kampala has joined the African Union (AU) to denounce the arrest of Rose Kabuye, a top Rwandan presidential aide.
The aide, Mrs Rose Kabuye, the Director of State Protocol, was arrested while on official business in Germany prompting various street demontration that have entered the third day in Kigali.
The arrest came as a result of a warrant issued in 2006 by a politically inspired French magistrate, Jean-Louis Bruguiere for her alleged involvement in a 1994 plane crash that killed the then Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana.
Judge Bruguiere’s warrant was followed by another one issued by a Spanish judge, Fernando Andreu Merelles against 40 top Rwandan officials. The Spanish judge argued that all the forty were involved in the killing of nine Spaniards during the 1994 genocide.
Both Uganda and the AU in separate letters written to the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, Germany, have asked the Germans to acknowledge the unlawful arbitrary nature of the arrest of Mrs Kabuye.
A letter written to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, Germany, from Uganda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday said that Uganda as an African nation and member of the international community believed that the process through which the charge was processed was flawed and did not follow legal procedures under the Principle of International Jurisdiction.
The doctrine of ‘universal jurisdiction’ holds that some crimes such as torture and genocide are so heinous that those accused of committing them can be tried anywhere, even in countries where the crimes did not take place.
Rwanda has already approved plans to empower courts to use the principal of ‘universal jurisdiction’ against foreigners who are suspected of having participated directly or indirectly in the 1994 genocide.
The country’s Prosecutor General Martin Ngoga confirmed yesterday some 23 French nationals could face trial once Rwanda issues indictments under the same jurisdiction.
The Ugandan letter to Berlin said, “The country condemns in the strongest terms such an arrest as it runs counter to International law on the Principal of Universal Jurisdictions and the African Union Assembly Decision.”
“Therefore such warrants as the one issued against Mrs Kabuye shall not be executed on an African Union member states,” it added.
The African Union Assembly meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in July 2008 adopted a declaration saying that all United Nation (UN)in particular the European Union (EU) states, should impose a moratorium on the execution of those warrants until all legal and political issues have been exhaustively discussed between the AU, the EU and the UN.
In the Sharm El Sheik decision, African Heads of States and Governments contended that arbitrary abuse of the said Principle as a clear violation of the sovereignty of states and their conduct of international relations.
Uganda is one of the African countries that ratified that declaration.
Another letter from the African Commission in Addis Ababa, written to foreign affairs offices in Berlin says that the detention of Mrs Kabuye might not have been done in good faith as she was travelling on a diplomatic assignment to arrange a state visit by President Paul Kagame, of which Germany was aware.
“The commission therefore expresses its hope that Mrs Kabuye will be accorded the necessary courtesy and privileges that are normally granted to high government officials of her status undertaking official missions in Germany,” the statement adds.
KIGALI, Wednesday - As street protests continued for the third day, in Kigali the Rwandan capital, the government in Kampala has joined the African Union (AU) to denounce the arrest of Rose Kabuye, a top Rwandan presidential aide.
The aide, Mrs Rose Kabuye, the Director of State Protocol, was arrested while on official business in Germany prompting various street demontration that have entered the third day in Kigali.
The arrest came as a result of a warrant issued in 2006 by a politically inspired French magistrate, Jean-Louis Bruguiere for her alleged involvement in a 1994 plane crash that killed the then Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana.
Judge Bruguiere’s warrant was followed by another one issued by a Spanish judge, Fernando Andreu Merelles against 40 top Rwandan officials. The Spanish judge argued that all the forty were involved in the killing of nine Spaniards during the 1994 genocide.
Both Uganda and the AU in separate letters written to the European Commission in Brussels, Belgium, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in France and to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, Germany, have asked the Germans to acknowledge the unlawful arbitrary nature of the arrest of Mrs Kabuye.
A letter written to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Berlin, Germany, from Uganda’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Monday said that Uganda as an African nation and member of the international community believed that the process through which the charge was processed was flawed and did not follow legal procedures under the Principle of International Jurisdiction.
The doctrine of ‘universal jurisdiction’ holds that some crimes such as torture and genocide are so heinous that those accused of committing them can be tried anywhere, even in countries where the crimes did not take place.
Rwanda has already approved plans to empower courts to use the principal of ‘universal jurisdiction’ against foreigners who are suspected of having participated directly or indirectly in the 1994 genocide.
The country’s Prosecutor General Martin Ngoga confirmed yesterday some 23 French nationals could face trial once Rwanda issues indictments under the same jurisdiction.
The Ugandan letter to Berlin said, “The country condemns in the strongest terms such an arrest as it runs counter to International law on the Principal of Universal Jurisdictions and the African Union Assembly Decision.”
“Therefore such warrants as the one issued against Mrs Kabuye shall not be executed on an African Union member states,” it added.
The African Union Assembly meeting in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt in July 2008 adopted a declaration saying that all United Nation (UN)in particular the European Union (EU) states, should impose a moratorium on the execution of those warrants until all legal and political issues have been exhaustively discussed between the AU, the EU and the UN.
In the Sharm El Sheik decision, African Heads of States and Governments contended that arbitrary abuse of the said Principle as a clear violation of the sovereignty of states and their conduct of international relations.
Uganda is one of the African countries that ratified that declaration.
Another letter from the African Commission in Addis Ababa, written to foreign affairs offices in Berlin says that the detention of Mrs Kabuye might not have been done in good faith as she was travelling on a diplomatic assignment to arrange a state visit by President Paul Kagame, of which Germany was aware.
“The commission therefore expresses its hope that Mrs Kabuye will be accorded the necessary courtesy and privileges that are normally granted to high government officials of her status undertaking official missions in Germany,” the statement adds.
Rwandan MP asks Kenyans to condemn Kabuye arrest
By ODHIAMBO ORLALEPosted Tuesday, November 18 2008 at 21:32
A Rwandan MP has accused the International Criminal Court of bias and asked her Kenyan counterparts to condemn the recent arrest of a senior Kigali official in Germany on genocide allegations.
Ms Faith Mukalisa said the arrest of Ms Rose Kabuye, one of President Paul Kagame’s aides, over claims that she played a role in the 1994 genocide was political.
The Rwandan MP said a war was being waged against Africa and the continent should rise against threats by Western powers using ICC. She revealed that they had filed a case against the claims in the Hague.
Ms Mukalisa insisted that the arrest of Ms Kabuye in Germany while she was part of an advance team for the Rwandan president was illegal and unacceptable.
She said: “All the accusations are false and have no foundation and I call on Kenyan MPs to join us to condemn her arrest and demand for her unconditional release.”
Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim and Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara threw their weight behind Ms Mukalisa.
Mr Maalim accused Western powers of double standards. He wondered why they did not demand perpetrators of human rights violations in South Africa during the apartheid era to be arrested and charged at the ICC.
“The problem in Sudan is about oil and not about the poor residents of Darfur,” said Mr Maalim in reference to the warrant of arrest against the Sudanese president El Bashir.
Mr Imanyara read mischief in the arrest of Ms Kabuye on claims she took part in the shooting down of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana’s jet, sparking the genocide in which nearly a million people were killed.
The controversial issue came up a day after President Kibaki called on Kenyan leaders and the public to promote forgiveness and national reconciliation following the post-election violence early this year.
Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Justice minister Martha Karua asked leaders named in the controversial Waki report on the poll chaos to hold their horses and wait for it to be discussed by the Cabinet and then tabled in Parliament.
Split politicians
The Waki report has split politicians, with Agriculture minister William Ruto leading Rift Valley MPs to reject it.
Last month, former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan, who brokered Kenya’s peace deal, was presented with a secret list by Mr Philip Waki containing names of suspected chaos financiers and inciters.
Mr Waki’s commission recommended that the suspects be prosecuted by a local tribunal. If one was not set up by the Government, it said the suspects should be tried by the ICC.
Ms Mukalisa said the Rwandan government had asked for help from the African Union and European Union to secure Ms Kabuye’s release.
A Rwandan MP has accused the International Criminal Court of bias and asked her Kenyan counterparts to condemn the recent arrest of a senior Kigali official in Germany on genocide allegations.
Ms Faith Mukalisa said the arrest of Ms Rose Kabuye, one of President Paul Kagame’s aides, over claims that she played a role in the 1994 genocide was political.
The Rwandan MP said a war was being waged against Africa and the continent should rise against threats by Western powers using ICC. She revealed that they had filed a case against the claims in the Hague.
Ms Mukalisa insisted that the arrest of Ms Kabuye in Germany while she was part of an advance team for the Rwandan president was illegal and unacceptable.
She said: “All the accusations are false and have no foundation and I call on Kenyan MPs to join us to condemn her arrest and demand for her unconditional release.”
Deputy Speaker Farah Maalim and Imenti Central MP Gitobu Imanyara threw their weight behind Ms Mukalisa.
Mr Maalim accused Western powers of double standards. He wondered why they did not demand perpetrators of human rights violations in South Africa during the apartheid era to be arrested and charged at the ICC.
“The problem in Sudan is about oil and not about the poor residents of Darfur,” said Mr Maalim in reference to the warrant of arrest against the Sudanese president El Bashir.
Mr Imanyara read mischief in the arrest of Ms Kabuye on claims she took part in the shooting down of Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana’s jet, sparking the genocide in which nearly a million people were killed.
The controversial issue came up a day after President Kibaki called on Kenyan leaders and the public to promote forgiveness and national reconciliation following the post-election violence early this year.
Prime Minister Raila Odinga and Justice minister Martha Karua asked leaders named in the controversial Waki report on the poll chaos to hold their horses and wait for it to be discussed by the Cabinet and then tabled in Parliament.
Split politicians
The Waki report has split politicians, with Agriculture minister William Ruto leading Rift Valley MPs to reject it.
Last month, former United Nations secretary-general Kofi Annan, who brokered Kenya’s peace deal, was presented with a secret list by Mr Philip Waki containing names of suspected chaos financiers and inciters.
Mr Waki’s commission recommended that the suspects be prosecuted by a local tribunal. If one was not set up by the Government, it said the suspects should be tried by the ICC.
Ms Mukalisa said the Rwandan government had asked for help from the African Union and European Union to secure Ms Kabuye’s release.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Kibaki mu ruzinduko rw’iminsi itatu
Date: 19-novembre 2008
Perezida Mwai Kibaki wa Kenya yageze mu Rwanda ku munsi w’ejo aho aje kumara iminsi itatu mu ruzinduko rw’akazi.
Kibaki na mugenzi we Paul Kagame ku mugoroba bagiranye ibiganiro muri Village Urugwiro, nyuma y’aho berekeza muri hoteri Serena aho umushyitsi yakiriwe n’abayobozi bakuru b’igihugu.
Ikiganiro cyo muri Village Urugwiro cyari kitabiriwe kandi n’Abaminisitiri b’Ububanyi n’Amahanga ku mpande zombi.
Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga w’u Rwanda, Rosemary Museminali yasobanuye ibyo ikiganiro cya Kibaki na Kagame cyibanzeho agira ati “Ba Perezida baganiriye ku mubano hagati y’ibihugu byombi n’ukuntu impande zombi zarushaho gukorana neza.”
Yibukije ko u Rwanda na Kenya hari byinshi bihuriramo, haba hagati yabyo ku bw’umwihariko cyangwa mu bikorwa by’Umuryango w’Afurika y’Iburasirazuba, EAC.
Muri ibyo harimo uburezi, ubukerarugendo n’amasomo ya gisirikare, ndetse ubu ngo ibihugu byombi bikaba biri kurebera hamwe uko byakongera ubufatanye no mu bindi bikorwa.
Biteganyije ko kuri uyu munsi Kibaki yitabira inama ku bucuruzi n’ishoramari yateguwe n’Urugaga rw’Abikorera ku giti cyabo (FRSP) ndetse akanasura Akarere ka Gatsibo ko mu Ntara y’Iburengerazuba aho abonana n’aborozi yahaye inkunga y’inka 120 mu mwaka wa 2005.
Kibaki azabonana kandi n’Abanyakenya baba mu Rwanda mbere y’uko arangiza urugendo rwe.
Amakuru ya The New Times
Perezida Mwai Kibaki wa Kenya yageze mu Rwanda ku munsi w’ejo aho aje kumara iminsi itatu mu ruzinduko rw’akazi.
Kibaki na mugenzi we Paul Kagame ku mugoroba bagiranye ibiganiro muri Village Urugwiro, nyuma y’aho berekeza muri hoteri Serena aho umushyitsi yakiriwe n’abayobozi bakuru b’igihugu.
Ikiganiro cyo muri Village Urugwiro cyari kitabiriwe kandi n’Abaminisitiri b’Ububanyi n’Amahanga ku mpande zombi.
Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga w’u Rwanda, Rosemary Museminali yasobanuye ibyo ikiganiro cya Kibaki na Kagame cyibanzeho agira ati “Ba Perezida baganiriye ku mubano hagati y’ibihugu byombi n’ukuntu impande zombi zarushaho gukorana neza.”
Yibukije ko u Rwanda na Kenya hari byinshi bihuriramo, haba hagati yabyo ku bw’umwihariko cyangwa mu bikorwa by’Umuryango w’Afurika y’Iburasirazuba, EAC.
Muri ibyo harimo uburezi, ubukerarugendo n’amasomo ya gisirikare, ndetse ubu ngo ibihugu byombi bikaba biri kurebera hamwe uko byakongera ubufatanye no mu bindi bikorwa.
Biteganyije ko kuri uyu munsi Kibaki yitabira inama ku bucuruzi n’ishoramari yateguwe n’Urugaga rw’Abikorera ku giti cyabo (FRSP) ndetse akanasura Akarere ka Gatsibo ko mu Ntara y’Iburengerazuba aho abonana n’aborozi yahaye inkunga y’inka 120 mu mwaka wa 2005.
Kibaki azabonana kandi n’Abanyakenya baba mu Rwanda mbere y’uko arangiza urugendo rwe.
Amakuru ya The New Times
Kidnaping of a Rwandan Diplomat by German: ....
By patriot - Posted on November 19th, 2008
* Rose Kabuye
Rose Kabuye one of our heroes & warrior was arrested & detained at Frankfurt airport after a French judge had issued a European arrest warrant on the 9th-11-08.
ARE THE GERMANS AND FRENCH STUPID OR WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We suspect that this arrest is connected to allegations of shooting down a presidential plane in 1994.
Rose Kabuye is now so obviously a victim of a witch hunt sparked up by the FRENCH. Show your support for the people who will never FORGET the role played by the FRENCH in the 1994 GENOCIDE by joining this group. Even if you are not Rwandan please join the group to show how ridiculous all the arrest is.
“I served you during a difficult period. A period when we were involved in humanitarian activities like saving lives, rehabilitating infrastructure like water and electricity, reconstruction and rehabilitation of Kigali City following the 1994 Genocide.
Today the city has grown, it is bigger, it is cleaner, it is safer and it is becoming a modern City. On this occasion of celebrating 100 years, I urge the people living in the city to be part of Urbanization process. We must work together and in this way we will help the poorest people living in poor conditions. We must make our City cleaner, safer, for everyone especially our Children and Grand Children. We must help the Mayor realize these goals so that in 2020 Kigali will become the City that Rwandese are proud of..” Former Mayor Lt. Col (rtd) Rose Kabuye
"I have hope, although Rwanda still has problems. We've moved past many, many difficulties — so many that I think we have reached the midpoint or maybe even 60 percent. But we still have 40 percent to cover. We're trying to leave behind a safer world for our children." Rose Kabuye
“In such countries, genocide is not too important…"
Words attributed to French President Francois Mitterand, reported by Philip Gourevitch in Reversing the Reversals of War, The New Yorker, 26 April 1999.
“No one can demand that you be neutral toward the crime of genocide. If there is a judge in the whole world who can be neutral toward this crime, that judge is not fit to sit in judgment”
Gideon Hausner
Enough with the way some other country violet our sovereignty , This is a copy of few of the post on a group on facebook dedicated to the issue in hand
* Rose Kabuye
Rose Kabuye one of our heroes & warrior was arrested & detained at Frankfurt airport after a French judge had issued a European arrest warrant on the 9th-11-08.
ARE THE GERMANS AND FRENCH STUPID OR WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We suspect that this arrest is connected to allegations of shooting down a presidential plane in 1994.
Rose Kabuye is now so obviously a victim of a witch hunt sparked up by the FRENCH. Show your support for the people who will never FORGET the role played by the FRENCH in the 1994 GENOCIDE by joining this group. Even if you are not Rwandan please join the group to show how ridiculous all the arrest is.
“I served you during a difficult period. A period when we were involved in humanitarian activities like saving lives, rehabilitating infrastructure like water and electricity, reconstruction and rehabilitation of Kigali City following the 1994 Genocide.
Today the city has grown, it is bigger, it is cleaner, it is safer and it is becoming a modern City. On this occasion of celebrating 100 years, I urge the people living in the city to be part of Urbanization process. We must work together and in this way we will help the poorest people living in poor conditions. We must make our City cleaner, safer, for everyone especially our Children and Grand Children. We must help the Mayor realize these goals so that in 2020 Kigali will become the City that Rwandese are proud of..” Former Mayor Lt. Col (rtd) Rose Kabuye
"I have hope, although Rwanda still has problems. We've moved past many, many difficulties — so many that I think we have reached the midpoint or maybe even 60 percent. But we still have 40 percent to cover. We're trying to leave behind a safer world for our children." Rose Kabuye
“In such countries, genocide is not too important…"
Words attributed to French President Francois Mitterand, reported by Philip Gourevitch in Reversing the Reversals of War, The New Yorker, 26 April 1999.
“No one can demand that you be neutral toward the crime of genocide. If there is a judge in the whole world who can be neutral toward this crime, that judge is not fit to sit in judgment”
Gideon Hausner
Enough with the way some other country violet our sovereignty , This is a copy of few of the post on a group on facebook dedicated to the issue in hand
France playing petty politics on the graves of genocide victims
By Abdulahi Ahmednasir
Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda in which close to one million Tutsis and some moderate Hutus were killed, the Rwandese government in 2006 set a commission of inquiry to specifically look into the role played by the French government. In August 2008, the commission published its findings. Over 638 witnesses, including survivors and perpetrators of the genocide, gave harrowing evidence.
The finding of the commission of inquiry is a damning indictment of not only the French government’s role but exposes the colour bias of the West and the international justice system they own. In the process, the conspiracy of silence that engulfed the Commission’s finding laid bare their hypocritical dealings with Africa.
The report says senior French politicians, diplomats and military officials played both direct and indirect roles in the Rwandese genocide. It specifically implicates former President Francois Mitterrand. Some survivors gave testimony to the effect that French soldiers directly participated in the massacre of the Tutsi.
The role the French government played in the Rwanda genocide of 1994 is fairly well documented. There is enough primary evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt the active role France played in the killings of Tutsi and the elaborate plan the Elysee Palace put in place to cover up France’s role in the genocide. The report names 23 senior officials of the French government as direct accomplices of the Rwanda genocide.
The genocide was planned by Hutu extremists who wanted to create a pure Hutu state in Rwanda. European historians have records of how the French Embassy in Kigali in 1994 was transformed into the nerve centre for the planning of the genocide. The embassy also evacuated many Hutu extremists once the forces led by Paul Kagame overrun the capital city. After the evacuation, the French government welcomed officials of the former regime and held an official reception in Paris.
When the findings of Rwandese Commission of inquiry was published not one government in Europe raised its concern over France’s role in the genocide. Not a single voice of outrage was raised in any western capital. This can be explained by an unwritten diplomatic norm within the European Union that prohibits a member country to question the actions or omissions of another in Africa.
Not whimper of concern was raised in any international court that sees the genocidal killings of one million people as an affront to human rights. The International Criminal Court turned a blind eye to what is obviously an issue within its jurisdictional competence.
Arrested officials
Despite its shameful role in the Rwanda genocide, the French government has ever since the genocide been running a public relations campaign in which it not only conceals its role in the genocide but continues to turn tables and blames the genocide on the current Rwandese regime.
As part of an elaborate scheme to hide France’s role in the genocide Judge Jean Louise Bruguire in November 2006 issued a warrant of arrest against nine leading Rwandese politicians for killing former president Juvenal Habyarimana and a crew of seven French nationals. Last Sunday, one of these nine officials, Ms Rose Kabuye, the Director of State Protocol, was arrested in Frankfurt pursuant to the warrant issued by Buggier. She was arrested despite enjoying diplomatic immunity, and was member of an advance party of President Kagame who was visiting Germany.
This notwithstanding, it was too comical to see the French Foreign Minster Bernard Kouchner a fortnight ago running around Goma and Kigali like a headless chicken pretending to be concerned about the humanitarian situation in the region.
Similarly, isn’t it nauseating to hear the hypocrisy of the French ambassador in Nairobi lecturing us on the need to implement the Waki Report when her country has refused to confess its role in a genocidal scheme in which a million souls perished?
Kabuye was dragged from the diplomatic lounge at Frankfurt airport in complete disregard of all international norms. And we have here in Nairobi, the German ambassador who has lately developed a liking for hearing the echo of his voice, especially when he pontificates on the virtues of upholding the law.
Kenyans have lately heard a lot about the international criminal court. This follows the recommendation by the Waki Commission that certain individuals who are alleged to have committed certain crimes during the election violence be tried locally or at the ICC. The ICC will jump at any opportunity to put an African on the dock. It is very proactive when it comes to Africans. It is evolving into a very political court that is being used to leverage the strategic interest of Europe in Africa.
So far the court has indicted 12 suspects, all Africans. Four are from the Democratic Republic of Congo, five are Ugandans. Jean Pierre Bemba Gombo has been indicted at the request of the Central African Republic while three are from the Sudan.
This is a court essentially made for Africa and will in the foreseeable future concentrate on Africans.
—The writer ( is an advocate of the High Court.
Following the 1994 genocide in Rwanda in which close to one million Tutsis and some moderate Hutus were killed, the Rwandese government in 2006 set a commission of inquiry to specifically look into the role played by the French government. In August 2008, the commission published its findings. Over 638 witnesses, including survivors and perpetrators of the genocide, gave harrowing evidence.
The finding of the commission of inquiry is a damning indictment of not only the French government’s role but exposes the colour bias of the West and the international justice system they own. In the process, the conspiracy of silence that engulfed the Commission’s finding laid bare their hypocritical dealings with Africa.
The report says senior French politicians, diplomats and military officials played both direct and indirect roles in the Rwandese genocide. It specifically implicates former President Francois Mitterrand. Some survivors gave testimony to the effect that French soldiers directly participated in the massacre of the Tutsi.
The role the French government played in the Rwanda genocide of 1994 is fairly well documented. There is enough primary evidence to prove beyond reasonable doubt the active role France played in the killings of Tutsi and the elaborate plan the Elysee Palace put in place to cover up France’s role in the genocide. The report names 23 senior officials of the French government as direct accomplices of the Rwanda genocide.
The genocide was planned by Hutu extremists who wanted to create a pure Hutu state in Rwanda. European historians have records of how the French Embassy in Kigali in 1994 was transformed into the nerve centre for the planning of the genocide. The embassy also evacuated many Hutu extremists once the forces led by Paul Kagame overrun the capital city. After the evacuation, the French government welcomed officials of the former regime and held an official reception in Paris.
When the findings of Rwandese Commission of inquiry was published not one government in Europe raised its concern over France’s role in the genocide. Not a single voice of outrage was raised in any western capital. This can be explained by an unwritten diplomatic norm within the European Union that prohibits a member country to question the actions or omissions of another in Africa.
Not whimper of concern was raised in any international court that sees the genocidal killings of one million people as an affront to human rights. The International Criminal Court turned a blind eye to what is obviously an issue within its jurisdictional competence.
Arrested officials
Despite its shameful role in the Rwanda genocide, the French government has ever since the genocide been running a public relations campaign in which it not only conceals its role in the genocide but continues to turn tables and blames the genocide on the current Rwandese regime.
As part of an elaborate scheme to hide France’s role in the genocide Judge Jean Louise Bruguire in November 2006 issued a warrant of arrest against nine leading Rwandese politicians for killing former president Juvenal Habyarimana and a crew of seven French nationals. Last Sunday, one of these nine officials, Ms Rose Kabuye, the Director of State Protocol, was arrested in Frankfurt pursuant to the warrant issued by Buggier. She was arrested despite enjoying diplomatic immunity, and was member of an advance party of President Kagame who was visiting Germany.
This notwithstanding, it was too comical to see the French Foreign Minster Bernard Kouchner a fortnight ago running around Goma and Kigali like a headless chicken pretending to be concerned about the humanitarian situation in the region.
Similarly, isn’t it nauseating to hear the hypocrisy of the French ambassador in Nairobi lecturing us on the need to implement the Waki Report when her country has refused to confess its role in a genocidal scheme in which a million souls perished?
Kabuye was dragged from the diplomatic lounge at Frankfurt airport in complete disregard of all international norms. And we have here in Nairobi, the German ambassador who has lately developed a liking for hearing the echo of his voice, especially when he pontificates on the virtues of upholding the law.
Kenyans have lately heard a lot about the international criminal court. This follows the recommendation by the Waki Commission that certain individuals who are alleged to have committed certain crimes during the election violence be tried locally or at the ICC. The ICC will jump at any opportunity to put an African on the dock. It is very proactive when it comes to Africans. It is evolving into a very political court that is being used to leverage the strategic interest of Europe in Africa.
So far the court has indicted 12 suspects, all Africans. Four are from the Democratic Republic of Congo, five are Ugandans. Jean Pierre Bemba Gombo has been indicted at the request of the Central African Republic while three are from the Sudan.
This is a court essentially made for Africa and will in the foreseeable future concentrate on Africans.
—The writer ( is an advocate of the High Court.
International Juridictions
International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) Registrar, Adama Dieng, has condemned the recent arrest of the Director of State Protocol, Rose Kabuye, describing it as disrespect to International Law Jurisdiction.
In his address to members of the press in Arusha yesterday, Dieng explained that the failure of international law and its jurisdiction was particularly on the African continent.
"I think what happened is very unfair and unfortunate. I think time has come for the Africans to be at the fore front! It is not enough to sign and make resolutions without implementing them," he said. He added that African countries should stand up for their rights in order to fully participate in international jurisdiction.
"This in turn," he said, "will give them power to assert their rights within the International Community that often oversteps them."
Dieng added that it is unrealistic for the international law to be used only for indicting Africans.
"Law is law but we must understand that we live in a complex world. I am not saying that we shouldn't defend the principles of justice but we should not build a perspective that international justice is towards an African. The International Criminal Court is only trying cases from Africa," he said.
The Registrar also said that ICTR's conviction of Jean Kambanda (former chief of Rwandan Government ) for Genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law sends a strong signal to all leaders in Africa and else where who could be tempted to use their power and influence to perpetrate gross violations of human rights.
In this regard, he said that vigilance must be observed in Africa given the large number of tensions prevailing in different regions of the continent.
He cited the longstanding chaos in Somalia, Darfur region, the volatile situation in Zimbabwe and the DRC.
In his address to members of the press in Arusha yesterday, Dieng explained that the failure of international law and its jurisdiction was particularly on the African continent.
"I think what happened is very unfair and unfortunate. I think time has come for the Africans to be at the fore front! It is not enough to sign and make resolutions without implementing them," he said. He added that African countries should stand up for their rights in order to fully participate in international jurisdiction.
"This in turn," he said, "will give them power to assert their rights within the International Community that often oversteps them."
Dieng added that it is unrealistic for the international law to be used only for indicting Africans.
"Law is law but we must understand that we live in a complex world. I am not saying that we shouldn't defend the principles of justice but we should not build a perspective that international justice is towards an African. The International Criminal Court is only trying cases from Africa," he said.
The Registrar also said that ICTR's conviction of Jean Kambanda (former chief of Rwandan Government ) for Genocide and other serious violations of international humanitarian law sends a strong signal to all leaders in Africa and else where who could be tempted to use their power and influence to perpetrate gross violations of human rights.
In this regard, he said that vigilance must be observed in Africa given the large number of tensions prevailing in different regions of the continent.
He cited the longstanding chaos in Somalia, Darfur region, the volatile situation in Zimbabwe and the DRC.
France has no moral authority to indict Kabuye
November 17, 2008: The recent arrest in Frankfurt, Germany, of the chief of protocol of the President of Rwanda, Rose Kabuye, has brought to a head the protracted political battle between France and Rwanda since the end of the genocide in Rwanda and the coming into power of the RPF/RPA in 1994.
Her trial for alleged genocide will be both about the uses and abuses of international law; unfortunately it may be more of the latter than the former. Who can try whom?
The previous genocidaire regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana was a most trusted French ally, even among the abundant French lackeys in Africa of the post/neo-colonial/cold war era. France’s neo-colonial interests in Africa were not just at the economic, political, security and intelligence levels, but at personal and social levels with many of the leaders.
Many of these leaders denied pluralism and freedom of expression and punished any indication of dissent from their citizens harshly, but when it came to relations with France, they were cross-party.
It did not matter whether it was the Conservatives or the “Socialists”; whether the government was the result of cohabitation or alliances of the Right or the Left; the Francophone leaders maintained their alliance and influence in Paris.
The French establishment also had remarkable continuity in its Africa policy. Habyarimana was a close family friend of then President Mitterrand’s son, who was also his father’s top adviser on Africa. French citizens held senior positions in many of the former French colonies in very sensitive ministries and departments including security, intelligence, the presidential guards, finance, defence, etc.
It used to be said that the Old OAU was in reality a Franco-Africa Forum: at the height of the cold war, the France-Africa summits used to be held in the shadow of the OAU, so that whatever consensus the Africans reached could be undone from Paris. France’s claim to being a global power rested on the loyalty of its African neo-colonial allies, with very few exceptions.
A classic case is current Senegal President Abdulaye Wade who used to come at election times to taunt then President Senghor, but soon after the election he would retire home to Versailles until the wind of change of the 1990s broke the unholy alliance and France began a forcible retreat from Africa.
‘Tiny’ Rwanda was one of the first bitter confrontations that was to force France to reconsider its neo-colonial project in Africa. On October 1, 1990, rebel Rwandese soldiers who had been refugees in Uganda and in many cases, part of the Ugandan Army (NRA), launched an attack on Rwanda. Their aim was to return to the country where their parents had been forced to flee as a result of genocide, aided and abetted by the Belgians and French.
It was a David-Goliath battle and no one gave the rebels any odds of winning. Even Uganda, their only backer, initially believed that military pressure was necessary to force the Habyarimana government to negotiate with the rebels, integrate them into the army, and stop the government from discriminating against its own citizens or killing them. No one thought that the RPA/F could ever capture power.
Painstaking process
Hence the negotiations for peace under the auspices of the OAU in Arusha. It was a painstaking process, but by the time the final documents were signed, both the political and military situation had overtaken the negotiations.
Extremists within the Akazu (family cabal) that Habyarimana was hostage to, accused him of giving away too much and 100 days after the plane crash that killed him some 1,000,000 Rwandese had been slaughtered by the Interahamwe militia with the full backing and orchestration of their own leaders. The State was against its own people.
Against all odds in June 1994, the RPA/F ended genocide and defeated the army that was backed by France, Belgium and some African countries. To forestall total defeat, the French launched Operation Torquoise which provided the defeated army with an opportunity to regroup and the Interahamwe was able to march people from Rwanda into the Congo.
Fugitives and refugees came together and the former held sway in the camps, but also had the support of the crumbling state of Mobutu Sese Seko. France could not forgive the RPF/A in Rwanda and two years later, another French ally, Mobutu was removed from power by a coalition of regional military alliances led by Rwanda and Uganda.
The politics of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ later propelled different kinds of convenient alliances. But both Mobutu and Habyarimana were consumed by the fires of xenophobia and genocide that they ignited.
Since 1994, France has been trying to wash its conscience off the genocide in Rwanda through denial and counter-narrative. Finally in 2006, a judge sitting in some obscure village in France issued an indictment against President Kagame and nine other top RPA officials for bringing down Habyarimana’s plane.
Even if this was true (and only the French and former genocidaire elements and genocide denials insist on this) how did the plane crash lead to genocide if genocide was not being planned already? Have people forgotten the famous fax to the UN saying “…we will all be killed”, which was never acted upon?
The government of Rwanda and its military and political allies, principally the French and Belgians, the OAU, Clinton’s White House, the UK Government, the UN, the Security Council and most of the powerful people and countries and institutions who could have prevented the genocide, failed the people of Rwanda.
Some of them are now overcompensating by pouring aid into Rwanda and also being too cautious or ashamed to lecture Kagame’s regime on democracy and human rights. But the French have not only been reluctant to accept their complicity.
They have been shamelessly but tirelessly trying to nail Kagame and reverse the defeat he inflicted on them not once but twice, accelerating their retreat from Africa. Politically they have continued to provide cover for genocidaire elements who still believe that they could return to power in Kigali.
Whatever our opinion of Kagame’s regime, we should not be deceived that the French indictments have anything to do with justice. It is the guilt trip of a former imperial power.
But now that they have got Lt Colonel Kabuye who went to Germany, knowing full well that she could be arrested, it is a challenge to the French to put their much vaunted evidence in the public domain. She has shown extreme courage by insisting that she should be tried in France.
The same France that has not cooperated with the ICTR in Arusha trying the genocidaire suspect leaders, is putting all efforts on knowing who killed the Chief Genocidaire.
Rwanda has its own list of wanted people and indicted French soldiers and politicians, which no one is helping it to enforce. Instead of confessing its sins and demonstrating genuine remorse before asking for forgiveness, France is demanding absolution through judicial vendetta.
Written by Tajudeen Abdul Raheem . Tajudeen is Deputy Director, Africa - United Nations Millennium Campaign.
Her trial for alleged genocide will be both about the uses and abuses of international law; unfortunately it may be more of the latter than the former. Who can try whom?
The previous genocidaire regime of President Juvenal Habyarimana was a most trusted French ally, even among the abundant French lackeys in Africa of the post/neo-colonial/cold war era. France’s neo-colonial interests in Africa were not just at the economic, political, security and intelligence levels, but at personal and social levels with many of the leaders.
Many of these leaders denied pluralism and freedom of expression and punished any indication of dissent from their citizens harshly, but when it came to relations with France, they were cross-party.
It did not matter whether it was the Conservatives or the “Socialists”; whether the government was the result of cohabitation or alliances of the Right or the Left; the Francophone leaders maintained their alliance and influence in Paris.
The French establishment also had remarkable continuity in its Africa policy. Habyarimana was a close family friend of then President Mitterrand’s son, who was also his father’s top adviser on Africa. French citizens held senior positions in many of the former French colonies in very sensitive ministries and departments including security, intelligence, the presidential guards, finance, defence, etc.
It used to be said that the Old OAU was in reality a Franco-Africa Forum: at the height of the cold war, the France-Africa summits used to be held in the shadow of the OAU, so that whatever consensus the Africans reached could be undone from Paris. France’s claim to being a global power rested on the loyalty of its African neo-colonial allies, with very few exceptions.
A classic case is current Senegal President Abdulaye Wade who used to come at election times to taunt then President Senghor, but soon after the election he would retire home to Versailles until the wind of change of the 1990s broke the unholy alliance and France began a forcible retreat from Africa.
‘Tiny’ Rwanda was one of the first bitter confrontations that was to force France to reconsider its neo-colonial project in Africa. On October 1, 1990, rebel Rwandese soldiers who had been refugees in Uganda and in many cases, part of the Ugandan Army (NRA), launched an attack on Rwanda. Their aim was to return to the country where their parents had been forced to flee as a result of genocide, aided and abetted by the Belgians and French.
It was a David-Goliath battle and no one gave the rebels any odds of winning. Even Uganda, their only backer, initially believed that military pressure was necessary to force the Habyarimana government to negotiate with the rebels, integrate them into the army, and stop the government from discriminating against its own citizens or killing them. No one thought that the RPA/F could ever capture power.
Painstaking process
Hence the negotiations for peace under the auspices of the OAU in Arusha. It was a painstaking process, but by the time the final documents were signed, both the political and military situation had overtaken the negotiations.
Extremists within the Akazu (family cabal) that Habyarimana was hostage to, accused him of giving away too much and 100 days after the plane crash that killed him some 1,000,000 Rwandese had been slaughtered by the Interahamwe militia with the full backing and orchestration of their own leaders. The State was against its own people.
Against all odds in June 1994, the RPA/F ended genocide and defeated the army that was backed by France, Belgium and some African countries. To forestall total defeat, the French launched Operation Torquoise which provided the defeated army with an opportunity to regroup and the Interahamwe was able to march people from Rwanda into the Congo.
Fugitives and refugees came together and the former held sway in the camps, but also had the support of the crumbling state of Mobutu Sese Seko. France could not forgive the RPF/A in Rwanda and two years later, another French ally, Mobutu was removed from power by a coalition of regional military alliances led by Rwanda and Uganda.
The politics of ‘my enemy’s enemy is my friend’ later propelled different kinds of convenient alliances. But both Mobutu and Habyarimana were consumed by the fires of xenophobia and genocide that they ignited.
Since 1994, France has been trying to wash its conscience off the genocide in Rwanda through denial and counter-narrative. Finally in 2006, a judge sitting in some obscure village in France issued an indictment against President Kagame and nine other top RPA officials for bringing down Habyarimana’s plane.
Even if this was true (and only the French and former genocidaire elements and genocide denials insist on this) how did the plane crash lead to genocide if genocide was not being planned already? Have people forgotten the famous fax to the UN saying “…we will all be killed”, which was never acted upon?
The government of Rwanda and its military and political allies, principally the French and Belgians, the OAU, Clinton’s White House, the UK Government, the UN, the Security Council and most of the powerful people and countries and institutions who could have prevented the genocide, failed the people of Rwanda.
Some of them are now overcompensating by pouring aid into Rwanda and also being too cautious or ashamed to lecture Kagame’s regime on democracy and human rights. But the French have not only been reluctant to accept their complicity.
They have been shamelessly but tirelessly trying to nail Kagame and reverse the defeat he inflicted on them not once but twice, accelerating their retreat from Africa. Politically they have continued to provide cover for genocidaire elements who still believe that they could return to power in Kigali.
Whatever our opinion of Kagame’s regime, we should not be deceived that the French indictments have anything to do with justice. It is the guilt trip of a former imperial power.
But now that they have got Lt Colonel Kabuye who went to Germany, knowing full well that she could be arrested, it is a challenge to the French to put their much vaunted evidence in the public domain. She has shown extreme courage by insisting that she should be tried in France.
The same France that has not cooperated with the ICTR in Arusha trying the genocidaire suspect leaders, is putting all efforts on knowing who killed the Chief Genocidaire.
Rwanda has its own list of wanted people and indicted French soldiers and politicians, which no one is helping it to enforce. Instead of confessing its sins and demonstrating genuine remorse before asking for forgiveness, France is demanding absolution through judicial vendetta.
Written by Tajudeen Abdul Raheem . Tajudeen is Deputy Director, Africa - United Nations Millennium Campaign.
French role in The Rwandan Genocide
An unprecedented public inquiry into France's role in the 1994 Rwanda genocide held hearings in Kigali last week, where the French Army was accused of complicity in massacres of Tutsis.
The seven-person French commission is hearing testimony from 20 survivors, some claiming serious human rights abuses, including rape and murder, by the French military.
The commission is also examining Operation Turquoise, the 1994 French military intervention ostensibly aimed at saving Rwandan lives. Human rights groups in France say French soldiers tricked thousands of Tutsi survivors out of hiding and abandoned them to the Interahamwe militia. Up to a million Tutsis died.
Close links existed between France and Rwanda, ruled by a Hutu dictatorship for 20 years. France was its biggest supplier of heavy military equipment and sent troops in 1990 to repel an offensive from Uganda by the largely Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front.
During nearly three years of civil war, senior French officers sometimes took operational battlefield control. In 1993, an international peace agreement replaced the French with UN peacekeepers, to monitor creation of a power-sharing democracy.
For years, the French Government denied any part in the genocide. Its own parliamentary inquiry in 1997 admitted only that France had underestimated the threat. But the inquiry did reveal that former President Francois Mitterrand had largely been responsible for Rwanda policy.
By 1994, the Rwandan Army had become a "military protege" of France. Before the genocide, 47 high-ranking French Army and gendarmerie officers were with the Rwanda military.
In April, 1994, French-trained officers from the Presidential Guard eliminated the pro-democracy and political opposition and French-trained soldiers began killing anyone with a Tutsi identity card.
The Rwanda Commission has evidence that the French trained the Interahamwe, and French officers were in commando training centres, where torture was practised and political opponents disappeared.
France refused to allow the UN Security Council to invoke the 1948 Genocide Convention to try to stop the killing. Then, after five weeks of murders, it launched its own military intervention.
The seven-person French commission is hearing testimony from 20 survivors, some claiming serious human rights abuses, including rape and murder, by the French military.
The commission is also examining Operation Turquoise, the 1994 French military intervention ostensibly aimed at saving Rwandan lives. Human rights groups in France say French soldiers tricked thousands of Tutsi survivors out of hiding and abandoned them to the Interahamwe militia. Up to a million Tutsis died.
Close links existed between France and Rwanda, ruled by a Hutu dictatorship for 20 years. France was its biggest supplier of heavy military equipment and sent troops in 1990 to repel an offensive from Uganda by the largely Tutsi Rwandan Patriotic Front.
During nearly three years of civil war, senior French officers sometimes took operational battlefield control. In 1993, an international peace agreement replaced the French with UN peacekeepers, to monitor creation of a power-sharing democracy.
For years, the French Government denied any part in the genocide. Its own parliamentary inquiry in 1997 admitted only that France had underestimated the threat. But the inquiry did reveal that former President Francois Mitterrand had largely been responsible for Rwanda policy.
By 1994, the Rwandan Army had become a "military protege" of France. Before the genocide, 47 high-ranking French Army and gendarmerie officers were with the Rwanda military.
In April, 1994, French-trained officers from the Presidential Guard eliminated the pro-democracy and political opposition and French-trained soldiers began killing anyone with a Tutsi identity card.
The Rwanda Commission has evidence that the French trained the Interahamwe, and French officers were in commando training centres, where torture was practised and political opponents disappeared.
France refused to allow the UN Security Council to invoke the 1948 Genocide Convention to try to stop the killing. Then, after five weeks of murders, it launched its own military intervention.
La Rwandaise Rose Kabuye extradée vers la France mercredi
PARIS (Reuters) - Arrêtée en Allemagne le 9 novembre sur mandat international émis par la France, Rose Kabuye, proche collaboratrice du président rwandais Paul Kagamé, sera extradée mercredi vers la France.
"Son avion doit arriver à 15h10 à Roissy, elle sera ensuite conduite au palais de justice de Paris", a dit son avocat français, Me Lef Forster.
Rose Kabuye, chef du protocole du président rwandais, est l'un des neuf officiels de son pays visés depuis novembre 2006 par des mandats d'arrêt pour assassinat dans le dossier de l'attentat en 1994 contre le prédécesseur de Paul Kagamé, Juvénal Habyarimana.
La destruction de l'avion présidentiel par un missile lors de son atterrissage à Kigali, imputé par les juges français au FPR de Paul Kagamé, avait été l'élément déclencheur du génocide dans lequel sont morts 800.000 Tutsis et Hutus modérés entre avril et juin 1994.
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes Marc Trévidic et Philippe Coirre, qui lui notifieront les charges pesant contre elle.
Un premier interrogatoire est possible, mais Me Forster a expliqué à Reuters qu'il pourrait demander un délai pour examiner le dossier. Les juges devront ensuite dire s'ils demandent ou non un placement en détention.
Rose Kabuye s'est rendue en Allemagne alors qu'elle avait été avertie, selon Berlin, des risques d'arrestation.
Les neuf mandats d'arrêt délivrés par le juge Jean-Louis Bruguière, remplacé aujourd'hui par Marc Trévidic, ont amené la rupture des relations diplomatiques franco-rwandaises.
Saisi depuis 1998 après plainte des familles de trois membres de l'équipage français de l'avion et de la veuve d'Habyarimana, Agathe, le juge estime établie la responsabilité de Kagamé et du Front patriotique rwandais.
Arrivé au pouvoir après le génocide, le président Kagamé a toujours nié les accusations et accuse la France de vouloir cacher le rôle qu'il lui impute dans la tragédie. Paris soutenait le régime dont sont issus les génocidaires. Kigali menace de lancer à son tour des mandats d'arrêt contre les responsables politiques français de 1994.
Thierry Lévêque, édité par Gilles Trequesser
"Son avion doit arriver à 15h10 à Roissy, elle sera ensuite conduite au palais de justice de Paris", a dit son avocat français, Me Lef Forster.
Rose Kabuye, chef du protocole du président rwandais, est l'un des neuf officiels de son pays visés depuis novembre 2006 par des mandats d'arrêt pour assassinat dans le dossier de l'attentat en 1994 contre le prédécesseur de Paul Kagamé, Juvénal Habyarimana.
La destruction de l'avion présidentiel par un missile lors de son atterrissage à Kigali, imputé par les juges français au FPR de Paul Kagamé, avait été l'élément déclencheur du génocide dans lequel sont morts 800.000 Tutsis et Hutus modérés entre avril et juin 1994.
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes Marc Trévidic et Philippe Coirre, qui lui notifieront les charges pesant contre elle.
Un premier interrogatoire est possible, mais Me Forster a expliqué à Reuters qu'il pourrait demander un délai pour examiner le dossier. Les juges devront ensuite dire s'ils demandent ou non un placement en détention.
Rose Kabuye s'est rendue en Allemagne alors qu'elle avait été avertie, selon Berlin, des risques d'arrestation.
Les neuf mandats d'arrêt délivrés par le juge Jean-Louis Bruguière, remplacé aujourd'hui par Marc Trévidic, ont amené la rupture des relations diplomatiques franco-rwandaises.
Saisi depuis 1998 après plainte des familles de trois membres de l'équipage français de l'avion et de la veuve d'Habyarimana, Agathe, le juge estime établie la responsabilité de Kagamé et du Front patriotique rwandais.
Arrivé au pouvoir après le génocide, le président Kagamé a toujours nié les accusations et accuse la France de vouloir cacher le rôle qu'il lui impute dans la tragédie. Paris soutenait le régime dont sont issus les génocidaires. Kigali menace de lancer à son tour des mandats d'arrêt contre les responsables politiques français de 1994.
Thierry Lévêque, édité par Gilles Trequesser
Rose Kabuye extradée vers la France
Article publié le 19/11/2008 Dernière mise à jour le 19/11/2008 à 04:29 TU
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes.
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes.
Elle avait été arrêtée à son arrivée à Francfort il y a dix jours, en vertu d'un mandat d'arrêt international délivré par la justice française. Rose Kabuye, aujourd'hui directrice du protocole du président rwandais, a été maire de Kigali et combattante de la première heure du FPR. Elle fait partie des 9 personnalités rwandaises visées par des mandats d'arrêts délivrés par le juge Bruguière en 2006 dans le cadre de son enquête sur l'attentat contre l'avion de l'ex-président rwandais Habyarimana. Rose Kabuye doit être extradée ce mercredi vers la France.
Rose Kabuye est attendue vers 15 heures à Paris, selon son avocat. Dans la foulée, cap sur le Palais de justice.
Les deux juges anti-terroristes qui ont repris l'enquête sur l'attentat contre l'avion d'Habyarimana à la suite de Jean-Louis Bruguière l'y attendent.
Philippe Coirre et Marc Trévidic devraient normalement interroger Rose Kabuye. Ils devront confirmer ou non son inculpation pour « complicité d'assassinat en relation avec une entreprise terroriste » contenue dans le mandat d'arrêt.
Si l'on en croit l'un d'entre eux, les avocats de la défense pourraient alors demander que leur cliente passe du statut de mise en examen à celui de « témoin assisté ».
Début d’une longue procédure
Surtout, les avocats de Rose Kabuye réclameront sa libération, ou au moins sa mise en liberté sous contrôle judiciaire. Pour cela, il faut pouvoir justifier d'un logement, s'engager à répondre aux convocations des juges… des garanties que présente l'ancienne maire de Kigali d'après ses défenseurs.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il reviendra aux 2 juges de demander ou non son incarcération, en saisissant le juge des libertés et de la détention.
Ensuite, ce sera le début d'une longue procédure. Les juges s'apprêtaient à boucler l'enquête, l'arrestation de Rose Kabuye va permettre à ses avocats d'exiger des auditions, des recherches supplémentaires, des visites de terrain... Bref, le dossier aujourd'hui est rouvert en grand.
Article publié le 19/11/2008 Dernière mise à jour le 19/11/2008 à 04:29 TU
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes.
Dès son arrivée à Paris, Rose Kabuye sera présentée aux juges antiterroristes.
Elle avait été arrêtée à son arrivée à Francfort il y a dix jours, en vertu d'un mandat d'arrêt international délivré par la justice française. Rose Kabuye, aujourd'hui directrice du protocole du président rwandais, a été maire de Kigali et combattante de la première heure du FPR. Elle fait partie des 9 personnalités rwandaises visées par des mandats d'arrêts délivrés par le juge Bruguière en 2006 dans le cadre de son enquête sur l'attentat contre l'avion de l'ex-président rwandais Habyarimana. Rose Kabuye doit être extradée ce mercredi vers la France.
Rose Kabuye est attendue vers 15 heures à Paris, selon son avocat. Dans la foulée, cap sur le Palais de justice.
Les deux juges anti-terroristes qui ont repris l'enquête sur l'attentat contre l'avion d'Habyarimana à la suite de Jean-Louis Bruguière l'y attendent.
Philippe Coirre et Marc Trévidic devraient normalement interroger Rose Kabuye. Ils devront confirmer ou non son inculpation pour « complicité d'assassinat en relation avec une entreprise terroriste » contenue dans le mandat d'arrêt.
Si l'on en croit l'un d'entre eux, les avocats de la défense pourraient alors demander que leur cliente passe du statut de mise en examen à celui de « témoin assisté ».
Début d’une longue procédure
Surtout, les avocats de Rose Kabuye réclameront sa libération, ou au moins sa mise en liberté sous contrôle judiciaire. Pour cela, il faut pouvoir justifier d'un logement, s'engager à répondre aux convocations des juges… des garanties que présente l'ancienne maire de Kigali d'après ses défenseurs.
Quoi qu'il en soit, il reviendra aux 2 juges de demander ou non son incarcération, en saisissant le juge des libertés et de la détention.
Ensuite, ce sera le début d'une longue procédure. Les juges s'apprêtaient à boucler l'enquête, l'arrestation de Rose Kabuye va permettre à ses avocats d'exiger des auditions, des recherches supplémentaires, des visites de terrain... Bref, le dossier aujourd'hui est rouvert en grand.
France/Rwanda - L'extradition de Rose Kabuye, nouvelle épine
L'extradition de Rose Kabuye, nouvelle épine
Rose Kabuye, arrêtée début novembre en Allemagne pour son rôle présumé dans l'attentat contre le président rwandais Habyarimina en 1994, est remise à la France ce mercredi.
La justice française pourrait avoir du mal à boucler son dossier : le témoin clé de l'accusation s'est rétracté ce mardi.
Deux ans après le mandat d'arrêt international lancé par le juge Bruguière contre neuf responsables rwandais -procédure qui a entraîné la rupture des relations diplomatiques entre le France et le Rwanda, Rose Kabuye se trouvera ce soir aux mains de la justice française. La responsable du protocole du président rwandais, arrêtée le 9 novembre en Allemagne (cliquez ici pour lire notre article), est soupçonnée d'avoir participé aux préparatifs de l'attentat contre l'avion de l'ancien président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimina, en avril 1994.
A l'époque, elle était l'une des dirigeants de la rébellion du Front patriotique rwandais, dirigé par Paul Kagamé, aujourd'hui président du pays. La mort de Juvénal Habyarimina avait ensuite servi de prétexte aux milices extrémistes hutu pour lancer le génocide contre les Tutsi et les Hutu modérés. Le juge Bruguière a pu émettre son mandat d'arrêt international -qui a valeur de mise en examen- puisque trois membres d'équipage de l'appareil présidentiel étaient français. Il agit notamment après la plainte d'une des familles.
Coopération intéressée
Après avoir vivement protesté contre cette arrestation -la question étant notamment de savoir si Rose Kabuye bénéficiait ou non de l'immunité diplomatique pour son voyage outre-Rhin-, Kigali a ensuite accepté sans trop sourciller que sa responsable soit transférée rapidement en France. Si Rose Kabuye s'était opposée à son extradition, la procédure aurait en effet duré plusieurs mois. Elle entend même répondre aux questions que lui poseront les magistrats français -des questions qui pourraient bien tomber à l'eau puisque le principal témoin clé de l'accusation s'est rétracté mardi (cliquez ici pour lire notre article).
Cette tactique de coopération devrait permettre à la défense d'avoir accès au dossier, de demander l'audition de ses propres témoins, voire de demander aux juges de se déplacer au Rwanda. Des choses de fait impossibles avant son interpellation à Francfort. Toutes ces procédures vont évidemment ralentir l'enquête et repousseny à une date lointaine la tenue d'un éventuel procès.
La RD Congo dans la mêlée
Pendant ce temps là, Kigali aura certainement lancé son propre mandat international contre une vingtaine de responsables militaires et civils français que le régime accuse d'avoir aidé indirectement les Hutu à commettre leur génocide. "Si le monde continue de croire qu'un juge en France (...) peut lancer un mandat contre un ministre du Rwanda (...), alors j'estime que le contraire est vrai, que nos juges au Rwanda (...) peuvent lancer un mandat contre des personnes en Europe, en France ou dans d'autres pays", lance Paul Kagamé.
Quoi qu'il en soit, ces nouveaux développements pourraient refroidir les quelques relations que Paris et Kigali ont réussi à établir depuis l'arrivée de Nicolas Sarkozy à l'Elysée. Ils interviennent en outre alors que le Rwanda est accusé par la communauté internationale de soutenir la rébellion en République démocratique du Congo.
Rose Kabuye, arrêtée début novembre en Allemagne pour son rôle présumé dans l'attentat contre le président rwandais Habyarimina en 1994, est remise à la France ce mercredi.
La justice française pourrait avoir du mal à boucler son dossier : le témoin clé de l'accusation s'est rétracté ce mardi.
Deux ans après le mandat d'arrêt international lancé par le juge Bruguière contre neuf responsables rwandais -procédure qui a entraîné la rupture des relations diplomatiques entre le France et le Rwanda, Rose Kabuye se trouvera ce soir aux mains de la justice française. La responsable du protocole du président rwandais, arrêtée le 9 novembre en Allemagne (cliquez ici pour lire notre article), est soupçonnée d'avoir participé aux préparatifs de l'attentat contre l'avion de l'ancien président rwandais Juvénal Habyarimina, en avril 1994.
A l'époque, elle était l'une des dirigeants de la rébellion du Front patriotique rwandais, dirigé par Paul Kagamé, aujourd'hui président du pays. La mort de Juvénal Habyarimina avait ensuite servi de prétexte aux milices extrémistes hutu pour lancer le génocide contre les Tutsi et les Hutu modérés. Le juge Bruguière a pu émettre son mandat d'arrêt international -qui a valeur de mise en examen- puisque trois membres d'équipage de l'appareil présidentiel étaient français. Il agit notamment après la plainte d'une des familles.
Coopération intéressée
Après avoir vivement protesté contre cette arrestation -la question étant notamment de savoir si Rose Kabuye bénéficiait ou non de l'immunité diplomatique pour son voyage outre-Rhin-, Kigali a ensuite accepté sans trop sourciller que sa responsable soit transférée rapidement en France. Si Rose Kabuye s'était opposée à son extradition, la procédure aurait en effet duré plusieurs mois. Elle entend même répondre aux questions que lui poseront les magistrats français -des questions qui pourraient bien tomber à l'eau puisque le principal témoin clé de l'accusation s'est rétracté mardi (cliquez ici pour lire notre article).
Cette tactique de coopération devrait permettre à la défense d'avoir accès au dossier, de demander l'audition de ses propres témoins, voire de demander aux juges de se déplacer au Rwanda. Des choses de fait impossibles avant son interpellation à Francfort. Toutes ces procédures vont évidemment ralentir l'enquête et repousseny à une date lointaine la tenue d'un éventuel procès.
La RD Congo dans la mêlée
Pendant ce temps là, Kigali aura certainement lancé son propre mandat international contre une vingtaine de responsables militaires et civils français que le régime accuse d'avoir aidé indirectement les Hutu à commettre leur génocide. "Si le monde continue de croire qu'un juge en France (...) peut lancer un mandat contre un ministre du Rwanda (...), alors j'estime que le contraire est vrai, que nos juges au Rwanda (...) peuvent lancer un mandat contre des personnes en Europe, en France ou dans d'autres pays", lance Paul Kagamé.
Quoi qu'il en soit, ces nouveaux développements pourraient refroidir les quelques relations que Paris et Kigali ont réussi à établir depuis l'arrivée de Nicolas Sarkozy à l'Elysée. Ils interviennent en outre alors que le Rwanda est accusé par la communauté internationale de soutenir la rébellion en République démocratique du Congo.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Shedding Light on the Rwandan Genocide
By Ralf Beste, Jan Puhl and Stefan Simons
Arrested Rwandan Chief of Protocol Rose Kabuye has become a symbolic figure in the bitter conflict between Kigali and Paris over who bears responsibility for the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The consequences of the massacre are still being felt in Congo.
Rose Kabuye, slim, tall, 47, is considered a heroine in her native Rwanda. She was a major in the rebel army that put an end to the 1994 genocide there. After that, she became mayor of Kigali, and today she is the chief of protocol for President Paul Kagame. As part of Kagame's delegation when he visited Berlin in April, Kabuye also met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
She returned to Germany on Nov. 9, flying into Frankfurt as part of a Rwandan government advance team making preparations for Kagame's scheduled visit to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange the following- day. But police officers arrested her at the airport, claiming she was in Germany on private business, and took her to a women's prison near Frankfurt prior to her extradition to France, where a warrant had been issued for her arrest only two years ago: Rose Kabuye, a former major in the Rwandan Patriotic Front, is accused of playing a role in the genocide in 1994.
The arrest led to the usual diplomatic furore. President Kagame promptly expelled the German ambassador and ordered his own envoy in Berlin to return to Kigali "for consultations." He also arranged for demonstrators to stage protests in front of the German embassy in Kigali, where they carried signs that read: "Shame on you, Germany! Seventy years after the holocaust, you arrest a woman who put a stop to genocide."
Germany had unwillingly allowed itself to be drawn into one of the bloodiest and most complicated conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa, a region plagued by recurrent violent conflict. Members of the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups have hated and killed each other for half a century in the picturesque, densely populated mountainous country of Rwanda. The slaughter came to a head in the early summer of 1994, when, in the space of 100 days, Hutu murderers committed one of the biggest mass crimes since World War II. An estimated 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi, along with moderate Hutu, died between April and July 1994.
The effects of that horrific massacre can still be felt on the continent today, where eastern Congo, which borders Rwanda, has recently become the scene of renewed bloody violence.
Africa's 'First World War'
In 1994, the rebels and their young leader Paul Kagame rose up and defeated the Hutu army. They captured Kigali and the murderers fled to Congo, where they still are today. Rwandan troops later pursued them and became embroiled in a grueling jungle war between 1998 and 2003.
Other regional powers, like Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Angola, also became involved. Soon the focus of the conflict shifted from political goals to natural resources: wood, gold, diamonds and coltan, a metallic ore used in the production of cell phones.
Over the years, the war has claimed the lives of more than three million people, most of them civilians. Because of the intervention of other nations, some have described the conflict as Africa's 'first world war.'
Despite a number of peace treaties, the dying in Congo has not ended. Aid organizations estimate that, on quiet days, about 1,000 people die of the consequences of the war. But quiet days are a rarity in the region, which, once again, has become the scene of murders, kidnappings and rapes.
Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda and his band of soldiers have surrounded the city of Goma in eastern Congo. Nkunda, a well-mannered career soldier, claims that his mission is to protect his fellow Tutsi in the region, just as the Kagame rebels did in Rwanda in 1994. It is true that militias conduct raids on villages, where they are said to have abducted children to turn them into soldiers, killing anyone who gets in their way and raping women. These bands of rebel soldiers sometimes consist of the local Mai Mai militia but are usually Hutu veterans of the Rwandan genocides, often supported by the government forces of Congolese President Laurent Kabila.
Rwanda and DRC
General Nkunda controls an army estimated at 4,000 men, and Rwanda is said to be the source of his fighters, weapons and logistical support. The government troops are in retreat. There are 250,000 refugees in the area, many of them wandering back and forth between the fronts, carrying their belongings in bundles. There has been an outbreak of cholera in the hilly, rain-swept region.
The current situation is a reflection of the recurring conflicts in this part of Africa.
The 18,000 United Nations troops are supposedly there as peacekeepers. But the soldiers, mostly from Asia and South America, are nothing but onlookers as civilians are murdered by the dozen, as recently happened in Kiwanja. This time it was the Mai Mai militias who killed close to 60 people in the village.
A Deeply Symbolic Conflict
The UN is now considering sending in another 3,000 troops, but it will take some time before they arrive in the region where Congo, Uganda and Rwanda come together, and there are few hopes that they will have any power to influence the mayhem. The Europeans are already hesitant to get involved, and France, long a protective power in Africa's French-speaking countries, has held back. Besides, French soldiers already have a dismal reputation in the region. They armed the Hutu army in Rwanda in the early 1990s and did nothing to curb the genocide.
The Kabuye case is part of a deeply symbolic conflict between Rwanda and France. The Germans entered the fray when they decided, needlessly, to classify Kabuye's visit as private. They did, however, forewarn the Rwandans of the consequences of her visit to Frankfurt and then felt compelled to act on a European warrant out for Kabuye's arrest.
There could be an upside to the complicated case. If there is a trial in France, it may shed light on the mysterious plane crash that led to the death of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana. The incident served as the initial trigger for the 1994 genocide.
Jean-Louis Bruguière, a French judge, investigated the deadly crash because the two pilots of the aircraft, which had been shot down by two missiles, were Frenchmen. He came to the controversial conclusion that Tutsi rebels had shot down the plane, and that rebel leader Kagame and his troops had paradoxically provided the excuse for the genocide against their own people.
Congo's Defiant Rebels: 'We'll Bring the War to Kinshasa' (11/10/2008)
Interview with Congolese Rebel Leader: 'We Want to Liberate the Entire Country' (11/10/2008)
Chaos in Congo: UN Peacekeepers' Credibility Is Damaged (11/03/2008)
Rwandan Genocide: Commission Publishes Allegations Against France (08/05/2008)
Bruguière's conclusion was convenient for France, as it diverted attention away from accusations that French advisors and military trainers had cynically looked on as the murdering continued.
In 2006 Bruguière issued nine arrest warrants against high-ranking officers in the rebel army and against Chief of Protocol Kabuye. President Kagame has criticized the French judge, saying that he had not questioned or even spoken with any of the nine people.
Bruguière based his indictment on the witness testimony of a few exiled Rwandans. If a court were to acquit Kabuye, it would also weaken the argument that the Tutsi bore some responsibility for the genocide. But then the French government could no longer avoid an investigation into the responsibility of Frenchmen for the genocide.
In his hour of need in early 1990, Rwandan President Habyarimana had turned to an old friend, French President François Mitterrand. For France, its role as a protective power in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa, along with its nuclear weapons, has always guaranteed that it is treated as more than a mid-sized power, like Germany. Specialists from Paris helped Habyarimana develop his intelligence service, advised the generals in his army, trained its soldiers and helped stop the Tutsi offensive. And when Agathe Habyarimana went to Paris on a shopping spree, she rarely flew home without a few tokens of appreciation from the Elysée Palace in her luggage.
Getting France to Admit Complicity
It is possible that French reticence contributed to the radicalization of the governing Hutu in Rwanda. We know today that careful planning and preparation preceded the genocide. The Hutu government armed the Interahamwe militias and assembled death lists. For months the radio station Mille Collines incited the mob with chants like: "Death! Death! Graves with Tutsi bodies are still only half full. Hurry, and fill them up."
The French in the country must have known what was about to happen and been aware of the initial killings. They continued to provide aid to the government, even after the Hutu militias had killed hundreds of thousands with machetes and spears. Years later, an investigative panel in the parliament admitted that France had made mistakes, but it was little more than a paltry concession. To this day, Paris has not issued an official apology.
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Rose Kabuye has now become a symbolic figure in Rwanda's bitter conflict with France. She is a rarity, a prominent woman with the rank of retired lieutenant colonel. She could have stayed home after receiving the warning from Germany, thus avoiding the risks involved in traveling to Frankfurt. But President Kagame wanted to draw attention to her case, in the hope that France would eventually lift the arrest warrants and finally be forced to admit to its complicity in the genocide, following the example set by former US President Bill Clinton and former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, who withdrew UN troops from Rwanda at the height of the genocide.
Rwanda's prospects are not half bad. Rémi Maréchaux, an Africa expert at the Elysée Palace and close advisor to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, was apparently in Kigali two weeks ago to meet with officials there. It is believed that the meetings ended in the two countries agreeing to a rapprochement. Once in Paris, Kabuye could be released on bail and then acquitted when her case comes to trial. This would pave the way for France and Rwanda to resume diplomatic relations, a step that could only benefit Paris, given Rwanda's substantial mineral and ore deposits.
Sarkozy has met with Rwandan President Kagame two times, in the context of summit meetings. At those encounters, he did manage to say a few appropriate words, telling Kagame that "unbelievable dramas" had taken place in Africa, and that his country is compelled "to think about mistakes."
Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan
By Ralf Beste, Jan Puhl and Stefan Simons
Arrested Rwandan Chief of Protocol Rose Kabuye has become a symbolic figure in the bitter conflict between Kigali and Paris over who bears responsibility for the 1994 Rwandan genocide. The consequences of the massacre are still being felt in Congo.
Rose Kabuye, slim, tall, 47, is considered a heroine in her native Rwanda. She was a major in the rebel army that put an end to the 1994 genocide there. After that, she became mayor of Kigali, and today she is the chief of protocol for President Paul Kagame. As part of Kagame's delegation when he visited Berlin in April, Kabuye also met with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
She returned to Germany on Nov. 9, flying into Frankfurt as part of a Rwandan government advance team making preparations for Kagame's scheduled visit to the Frankfurt Stock Exchange the following- day. But police officers arrested her at the airport, claiming she was in Germany on private business, and took her to a women's prison near Frankfurt prior to her extradition to France, where a warrant had been issued for her arrest only two years ago: Rose Kabuye, a former major in the Rwandan Patriotic Front, is accused of playing a role in the genocide in 1994.
The arrest led to the usual diplomatic furore. President Kagame promptly expelled the German ambassador and ordered his own envoy in Berlin to return to Kigali "for consultations." He also arranged for demonstrators to stage protests in front of the German embassy in Kigali, where they carried signs that read: "Shame on you, Germany! Seventy years after the holocaust, you arrest a woman who put a stop to genocide."
Germany had unwillingly allowed itself to be drawn into one of the bloodiest and most complicated conflicts in sub-Saharan Africa, a region plagued by recurrent violent conflict. Members of the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups have hated and killed each other for half a century in the picturesque, densely populated mountainous country of Rwanda. The slaughter came to a head in the early summer of 1994, when, in the space of 100 days, Hutu murderers committed one of the biggest mass crimes since World War II. An estimated 500,000 to 800,000 Tutsi, along with moderate Hutu, died between April and July 1994.
The effects of that horrific massacre can still be felt on the continent today, where eastern Congo, which borders Rwanda, has recently become the scene of renewed bloody violence.
Africa's 'First World War'
In 1994, the rebels and their young leader Paul Kagame rose up and defeated the Hutu army. They captured Kigali and the murderers fled to Congo, where they still are today. Rwandan troops later pursued them and became embroiled in a grueling jungle war between 1998 and 2003.
Other regional powers, like Uganda, Namibia, Zimbabwe and Angola, also became involved. Soon the focus of the conflict shifted from political goals to natural resources: wood, gold, diamonds and coltan, a metallic ore used in the production of cell phones.
Over the years, the war has claimed the lives of more than three million people, most of them civilians. Because of the intervention of other nations, some have described the conflict as Africa's 'first world war.'
Despite a number of peace treaties, the dying in Congo has not ended. Aid organizations estimate that, on quiet days, about 1,000 people die of the consequences of the war. But quiet days are a rarity in the region, which, once again, has become the scene of murders, kidnappings and rapes.
Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda and his band of soldiers have surrounded the city of Goma in eastern Congo. Nkunda, a well-mannered career soldier, claims that his mission is to protect his fellow Tutsi in the region, just as the Kagame rebels did in Rwanda in 1994. It is true that militias conduct raids on villages, where they are said to have abducted children to turn them into soldiers, killing anyone who gets in their way and raping women. These bands of rebel soldiers sometimes consist of the local Mai Mai militia but are usually Hutu veterans of the Rwandan genocides, often supported by the government forces of Congolese President Laurent Kabila.
Rwanda and DRC
General Nkunda controls an army estimated at 4,000 men, and Rwanda is said to be the source of his fighters, weapons and logistical support. The government troops are in retreat. There are 250,000 refugees in the area, many of them wandering back and forth between the fronts, carrying their belongings in bundles. There has been an outbreak of cholera in the hilly, rain-swept region.
The current situation is a reflection of the recurring conflicts in this part of Africa.
The 18,000 United Nations troops are supposedly there as peacekeepers. But the soldiers, mostly from Asia and South America, are nothing but onlookers as civilians are murdered by the dozen, as recently happened in Kiwanja. This time it was the Mai Mai militias who killed close to 60 people in the village.
A Deeply Symbolic Conflict
The UN is now considering sending in another 3,000 troops, but it will take some time before they arrive in the region where Congo, Uganda and Rwanda come together, and there are few hopes that they will have any power to influence the mayhem. The Europeans are already hesitant to get involved, and France, long a protective power in Africa's French-speaking countries, has held back. Besides, French soldiers already have a dismal reputation in the region. They armed the Hutu army in Rwanda in the early 1990s and did nothing to curb the genocide.
The Kabuye case is part of a deeply symbolic conflict between Rwanda and France. The Germans entered the fray when they decided, needlessly, to classify Kabuye's visit as private. They did, however, forewarn the Rwandans of the consequences of her visit to Frankfurt and then felt compelled to act on a European warrant out for Kabuye's arrest.
There could be an upside to the complicated case. If there is a trial in France, it may shed light on the mysterious plane crash that led to the death of Rwandan President Juvénal Habyarimana. The incident served as the initial trigger for the 1994 genocide.
Jean-Louis Bruguière, a French judge, investigated the deadly crash because the two pilots of the aircraft, which had been shot down by two missiles, were Frenchmen. He came to the controversial conclusion that Tutsi rebels had shot down the plane, and that rebel leader Kagame and his troops had paradoxically provided the excuse for the genocide against their own people.
Congo's Defiant Rebels: 'We'll Bring the War to Kinshasa' (11/10/2008)
Interview with Congolese Rebel Leader: 'We Want to Liberate the Entire Country' (11/10/2008)
Chaos in Congo: UN Peacekeepers' Credibility Is Damaged (11/03/2008)
Rwandan Genocide: Commission Publishes Allegations Against France (08/05/2008)
Bruguière's conclusion was convenient for France, as it diverted attention away from accusations that French advisors and military trainers had cynically looked on as the murdering continued.
In 2006 Bruguière issued nine arrest warrants against high-ranking officers in the rebel army and against Chief of Protocol Kabuye. President Kagame has criticized the French judge, saying that he had not questioned or even spoken with any of the nine people.
Bruguière based his indictment on the witness testimony of a few exiled Rwandans. If a court were to acquit Kabuye, it would also weaken the argument that the Tutsi bore some responsibility for the genocide. But then the French government could no longer avoid an investigation into the responsibility of Frenchmen for the genocide.
In his hour of need in early 1990, Rwandan President Habyarimana had turned to an old friend, French President François Mitterrand. For France, its role as a protective power in Francophone sub-Saharan Africa, along with its nuclear weapons, has always guaranteed that it is treated as more than a mid-sized power, like Germany. Specialists from Paris helped Habyarimana develop his intelligence service, advised the generals in his army, trained its soldiers and helped stop the Tutsi offensive. And when Agathe Habyarimana went to Paris on a shopping spree, she rarely flew home without a few tokens of appreciation from the Elysée Palace in her luggage.
Getting France to Admit Complicity
It is possible that French reticence contributed to the radicalization of the governing Hutu in Rwanda. We know today that careful planning and preparation preceded the genocide. The Hutu government armed the Interahamwe militias and assembled death lists. For months the radio station Mille Collines incited the mob with chants like: "Death! Death! Graves with Tutsi bodies are still only half full. Hurry, and fill them up."
The French in the country must have known what was about to happen and been aware of the initial killings. They continued to provide aid to the government, even after the Hutu militias had killed hundreds of thousands with machetes and spears. Years later, an investigative panel in the parliament admitted that France had made mistakes, but it was little more than a paltry concession. To this day, Paris has not issued an official apology.
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Rose Kabuye has now become a symbolic figure in Rwanda's bitter conflict with France. She is a rarity, a prominent woman with the rank of retired lieutenant colonel. She could have stayed home after receiving the warning from Germany, thus avoiding the risks involved in traveling to Frankfurt. But President Kagame wanted to draw attention to her case, in the hope that France would eventually lift the arrest warrants and finally be forced to admit to its complicity in the genocide, following the example set by former US President Bill Clinton and former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, who withdrew UN troops from Rwanda at the height of the genocide.
Rwanda's prospects are not half bad. Rémi Maréchaux, an Africa expert at the Elysée Palace and close advisor to French President Nicolas Sarkozy, was apparently in Kigali two weeks ago to meet with officials there. It is believed that the meetings ended in the two countries agreeing to a rapprochement. Once in Paris, Kabuye could be released on bail and then acquitted when her case comes to trial. This would pave the way for France and Rwanda to resume diplomatic relations, a step that could only benefit Paris, given Rwanda's substantial mineral and ore deposits.
Sarkozy has met with Rwandan President Kagame two times, in the context of summit meetings. At those encounters, he did manage to say a few appropriate words, telling Kagame that "unbelievable dramas" had taken place in Africa, and that his country is compelled "to think about mistakes."
Translated from the German by Christopher Sultan
Rwandan leader warns Paris over aide's extradition
By William Wallis in Geneva
Published: November 17 2008 02:00 | Last updated: November 17 2008 02:00
The planned extradition to France this week of a top aide to Paul Kagame, Rwandan president, sets the stage for a courtroom showdown between Paris and Kigali over the origins of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Mr Kagame said the arrest last week of Rose Kabuye, his chief protocol officer, showed "total contempt" for his nation. In an interview with the Financial Times after visiting Mrs Kabuye in prison in Germany, he accused European countries of abusing the principle of "universal jurisdiction", whereby the courts of one country can pursue the citizens of another, to perpetuate unequal relations with Africa.
Mrs Kabuye was detained at Frankfurt airport as one of nine Rwandan officials indicted by Jean-Louis Bruguière, a French judge. He had investigated the 1994 assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana, then Rwandan president, on behalf of relatives of the French crew killed in the same air crash: the incident triggered the slaughter of 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
Mrs Kabuye was an officer in the guerrilla army led by Mr Kagame that took power after driving many of the perpetrators of the genocide out of Rwanda.
Rwandan officials said she would be extradited to France on Wednesday and indicated she would seek both to clear her name and to highlight the alleged role France played in backing extremists who orchestrated the genocide.
Mr Kagame - who severed relations with France in 2006 because of the Bruguière case and expelled Germany's ambassador to Kigali, the capital, last week - said he had the support of the African Union to challenge the place of "universal jurisdiction" within international law.
"I am not urging this to cover up anybody who is at fault. That is not my point. I am saying the process of doing that has to be clear, otherwise you have chaos," he said.
"You don't give one country jurisdiction over another country, in particular if that country has actually been involved in the case. It is madness. It's offensive in a sense that it is Africans who are perpetually the offenders, the criminals and the others who are their judges."
The French case alleges that Mrs Kabuye and other rebels led by Mr Kagame assassinated the former president as part of a conspiracy to seize power. The other main theory on the air crash is that it was caused by Hutu extremists to trigger mass killings that they had already planned.
Mr Kagame claimed the allegations against Mrs Kabuye were "baseless" and designed to undermine his government.
"Apart from not interviewing our people when the indictments were made, they were not even communicated to the very people accused or to the country. It just came out in the media," he said. "This is a very strange thing that . . . on this basis you start arresting people."
The case was potentially weakened last week when one of the main witnesses renounced his testimony in a radio interview, saying he had been manipulated.
French authorities have made no direct comment. But a government spokesperson said Paris still hoped to repair ties with Rwanda.
Mr Kagame said he too favoured a diplomatic solution. But he indicated that if this failed to materialise he would seek to test how universal "universal jurisdiction" really was, by indicting French officials named in a Rwandan inquiry into France's role in the genocide.
Published: November 17 2008 02:00 | Last updated: November 17 2008 02:00
The planned extradition to France this week of a top aide to Paul Kagame, Rwandan president, sets the stage for a courtroom showdown between Paris and Kigali over the origins of the 1994 Rwandan genocide.
Mr Kagame said the arrest last week of Rose Kabuye, his chief protocol officer, showed "total contempt" for his nation. In an interview with the Financial Times after visiting Mrs Kabuye in prison in Germany, he accused European countries of abusing the principle of "universal jurisdiction", whereby the courts of one country can pursue the citizens of another, to perpetuate unequal relations with Africa.
Mrs Kabuye was detained at Frankfurt airport as one of nine Rwandan officials indicted by Jean-Louis Bruguière, a French judge. He had investigated the 1994 assassination of Juvenal Habyarimana, then Rwandan president, on behalf of relatives of the French crew killed in the same air crash: the incident triggered the slaughter of 800,000 ethnic Tutsis and moderate Hutus.
Mrs Kabuye was an officer in the guerrilla army led by Mr Kagame that took power after driving many of the perpetrators of the genocide out of Rwanda.
Rwandan officials said she would be extradited to France on Wednesday and indicated she would seek both to clear her name and to highlight the alleged role France played in backing extremists who orchestrated the genocide.
Mr Kagame - who severed relations with France in 2006 because of the Bruguière case and expelled Germany's ambassador to Kigali, the capital, last week - said he had the support of the African Union to challenge the place of "universal jurisdiction" within international law.
"I am not urging this to cover up anybody who is at fault. That is not my point. I am saying the process of doing that has to be clear, otherwise you have chaos," he said.
"You don't give one country jurisdiction over another country, in particular if that country has actually been involved in the case. It is madness. It's offensive in a sense that it is Africans who are perpetually the offenders, the criminals and the others who are their judges."
The French case alleges that Mrs Kabuye and other rebels led by Mr Kagame assassinated the former president as part of a conspiracy to seize power. The other main theory on the air crash is that it was caused by Hutu extremists to trigger mass killings that they had already planned.
Mr Kagame claimed the allegations against Mrs Kabuye were "baseless" and designed to undermine his government.
"Apart from not interviewing our people when the indictments were made, they were not even communicated to the very people accused or to the country. It just came out in the media," he said. "This is a very strange thing that . . . on this basis you start arresting people."
The case was potentially weakened last week when one of the main witnesses renounced his testimony in a radio interview, saying he had been manipulated.
French authorities have made no direct comment. But a government spokesperson said Paris still hoped to repair ties with Rwanda.
Mr Kagame said he too favoured a diplomatic solution. But he indicated that if this failed to materialise he would seek to test how universal "universal jurisdiction" really was, by indicting French officials named in a Rwandan inquiry into France's role in the genocide.
Monday, November 17, 2008
RDC : Intambara yafashe indi sura
Kayira Etienne
RDC-Congo Umusirikare yirira Igisheke.
Nubwo Ingabo z’igihugu cya Repubulika Iharanira demokarasi ya Kongo (FARDC) zikomeje gutsindwa ku rugamba zirwana n’ ingabo z’umutwe wa CNDP uyoborwa na Jenerali Laurent Nkunda, Perezida Joseph Kabila wa Kongo n’abanyapolitiki b’icyo gihugu bongeye guhitamo inzira y’imirwano.
Nyuma y’aho ingabo za DRC zitakarije uduce twinshi zarimo mu burasirazuba bwa Congo-Kinshasa harimo n’ inkambi ya gisirikari ya Rumangabo ndetse zikanahunga mu mujyi wa Goma kubera ko abarwanyi ba Nkunda bari hafi kuwinjnjiramo, ibihugu by’ibihangange n’imiryango mpuzamahanga muri iyo minsi byahise byihutira kwamaganira kure ifatwa ry’Umujyi wa Goma n’inyeshyamba za Laurent Nkunda, ahubwo intumwa z’iyo miryango n’ibihugu bikomeye byo ku isi (Amerika n’Uburayi) zasabaga impande zombi zirwana (Leta ya Kinshasa na CNDP) guhagarika imirwano bakagana inzira y’ibiganiro.
Ubwo ingabo za FARDC zongeye kugaruka mu mujyi wa Goma zimaze kumenya ko abarwanyi ba Nkunda batawinjiyemo, Leta ya Kinshasa yahise itanga itangazo ko idashobora kugirana ibiganiro n’umutwe uyirwanya wa CNDP. Ni muri urwo rwego ku wa 03 Ugushyingo 2008 hatangiye kuvugwa amakuru ko Ingabo z’Igihugu cya Angola zasesekaye muri Kisangani no muri Goma mu rwego rwo gutabara ingabo za Kongo-Kinshasa mu rugamba zirwana na CNDP ya Laurent Nkunda.
Abaturage bo mu mujyi wa Goma twavuganye kuri telefone, bamwe bemeza ko mu mujyi wa Goma ngo ku wa 04 Ugushyingo 2008 hari hamaze kugera abakomanda bagera kuri 500, ariko abandi batazwi umubare ngo bari mu nzira bava Kisangani bagana muri Nord-Kivu habera imirwano.
Umwe mu bagize ingabo z’Umuryango w’Abibumbye yatangarije Radio BBC ko abo bitirira abasirikari ba Angola ngo ni ingabo za Kongo-Kinshasa zivuga ururimi rw’igi « Portugale » kubera zabaye muri icyo gihugu ubwo zari mu mahugurwa. N’ubwo uwo mugabo wo muri MONUC yahakanye ko ingabo za Angola zitari muri RDC, muri AFRIKARABIA, undi musirikari wa Monuc yemeje ko izo ngabo z’igihugu gituranyi cya Kongo-Kinshasa zamaze kuhagera ndetse ngo zatangiye kurwana muri Nord Kivu, ariko ko umubare wazo utazwi neza. Perezida Joseph Kabila kwiyambaza ingabo z’ikindi gihugu ku mutabara mu rugamba rwo kwivuna abamurwanya ni uburenganzira bwe nk’igihugu kigenga, gusa binyuranyije n’ibyo abaserukira imiryango mpuzamahanga basabaga byo kurangiza ikibazo hifashishijwe ibiganiro.
Tubibutse ko mu gihe FARDC yagaragazaga kuneshwa n’ingabo za CNDP muri Kibumba, Mushake n’ahandi hatandukanye muri Kivu y’Amajyaruguru, Inteko Nshingamategeko y’icyo gihugu yari yatoye ko Guverinoma iganira na Laurent Nkunda. Ariko inkunga z’abasirikari b’ibindi bihugu icyo cyifuzo cy’inteko yagiteye utwatsi.
Guhitamo urugamba rw’amasasu ni ugukomeza gushyira mu kaga abaturage bo muri Nord-Kivu na Sud-Kivu bamaze imyaka irenga icumi mu ntambara z’urudaca. Izindi ntara zose za DRC zibaye nk’izitekana kubera zitarimo imirwano, ariko ngo imiyoborere ntacyahindutse kuko Guverinoma ya Gizenga Antoine uherutse kwegura ntacyo yagezeho.
Uwamusimbuye ku mwanya wa Minisitiri w’intebe, Bwana Adolphe Muzito ntabwo nawe azoroherwa kuko ngo agomba kuvuguta byihutirwa umuti wo kurangiza intambara ibera muri Kivu y’Amajyaruguru, mu burasirazuba bwa Kongo-Kinshasa.
Tubibutse kandi ko imirwano hagati ya Kinshasa na CNDP ikomeje muri Nord-Kivu aho ingabo za Leta zishaka uburyo ngo zasubirana Runshuru na Mushaki ibirindiro bikomeye bya Laurent Nkunda. Umuvugizi w’ingabo za CNDP, Col. Bertin Bisimwa aremeza ko ingabo za Angola zatangiye kugaragara ku rugamba. Ibyo ngo babyumvira no ku byombo bahamagariraho, dore ko bakoresha ururimi rw’igiporitigale.
Kuza kw’ ingabo za Angola muri DRC ntibiragira gihamya neza kuko ngo zitaje mu buryo bwemewe, aho bavuga ko ziyambariye imyambaro isa n’iya FARDC (Forces Armés de la republique démocratique du Congo).
Martin Luther King yakabije inzozi
Mukagahizi Rose
Pasiteri Martin Luther King, umwirabura w’Umunyamerika, ni we wabaye ku isonga ryo kurwanirira uburenganzira bw’umwirabura muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Niwe muntu wahawe igihembo cy’amahoro akiri muto kurusha abandi. Ku itariki yavukiyeho, 15 Mutarama, ni umunsi w’ikiruhuko muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Na n’ubu , ibitekerezo bye biracyubashywe, bigenderwaho n’imiryango yose iharanira uburenganzira bwa muntu.
Pasiteri Martin Luther King Jr ni imwe mu ntwari zemerwa kandi zanditse mu mateka ya Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Yamenyekanye cyane ubwo yafataga iya mbere mu mwaka w’1955 kugeza ubwo yishwe arashwe mu mwaka w’1968. Yatitizaga Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika akoresheje amagambo ye n’inyigisho ze zirwanya ivanguramoko n’ikandamiza kubera ko umwirabura wo muri Amerika yari atarafatwa nk’umuntu, ni ukuvuga umuzungu nk’uko bakundaga kuvuga, yari hagati y’inguge n’umuntu.
Martin Luther yari intwari kuko yashize amanga maze agatangira guhamagarira no gukangurira abirabura b’Abanyamerika kwanga ako karengane mu mutuzo n’amahoro, abasaba kwerekana ko barusha bamwe mu bazungu ubumuntu : “niba umuzungu akubwiye ko uri inguge, ukamusingira mu mashati n’uburakari bwinshi, uzaba nyine werekanye ubuguge bwawe. Ariko numusekera, ukamusengera kandi ukamusabira umugisha ku Mana abyumva, uzaba umweretse ko umurusha umutima wa kimuntu”.
Si ibyo gusa kandi kuko umwirabura w’Umunyamerika atemerwaga kuba yatora, yaratotezwaga, ntiyemererwaga gucumbika mu mahoteli meza. Naho Martin ati : “benshi bakunze kubaza igihe umwirabura azatuza kwigaragambya, akemera ibimubaho : watuza ute urara uterwa hejuru n’abagutoteza ? Ni gute se watuza uzi ko umwirabura wo muri Mississipi adafite uburenganzira bwo gutora naho muri New York akaba yarigishijwe ko nta bwenge afite bwo kuba yatora ? Oya. Ntituzatuza kugeza ubwo tuzabona ubutabera butemba nk’imigezi no gukiranuka kududubiza nk’amazi asuma.
Mu rugendo rw’amahoro yari ayoboye rw’imyigaragambyo mu mutuzo, rugatitiriza intagondwa z’abazungu bo muri Amerika muri Kanama 1963, uru rugendo rukaba rwaravuye muri Leta ya Alabama kugeza i Washington DC hafi y’aho Perezida wa Amerika akorera, urwo rugendo rukaba rutazibagirana kuko mu kurusoza, Martin Luther yavugiye ijambo imbere y’abantu ibihumbi 250 bamwumvaga bucece, maze ababwira amagambo akomeye cyane atazigera yibagirana mu mateka. Yagize ati : “bene data mbabwire, ndabizi ko nimusubira mu mijyi yanyu, bari bubazize iki gikorwa tumazemo iminsi. Ariko njye ibyo ntibisiba inzozi narose. Narose ko umunsi umwe iki gihugu kizamenyekana ko abakomoka ku bacakara bazaba bicarana n’abakomoka ku babatotezaga, bakitwa abavandimwe bafite uburenganzira bungana. Narose kandi ko utwana twanjye tune tuzakura tutarebwa ku ruhu ahubwo barebwa ku mpano zabo n’umutoma ubarimo. Si ibyo byonyine. Muri iki gihugu nabonye ibikombe byose byujujwe, ibyiyita imisozi byose byaringanijwe, ibigoramye bigororotse, inzira zidaharuwe ziharurwa”. Njyewe mfite inzozi.
Yari muntu ki ?
Pasiteri Martin Luther King yavutse ku itariki ya 15 Mutarama 1929. Yavukiye mu muryango w’abatambyi, kuko guhera kuri sekuru, bose babaye abashumba (abapasiteri) mu iorero ry’Ababatisita. Yakuze yiga mu mashuri y’abirabura n’abandi nkabo. Ibyo ntibyamubujije gukurana ubwenge bwinshi kuko yarangije amashuri ye yisumbuye afite imyaka 15, akabona impamyabumenyi y’icyiciro cya kabiri cya kaminuza afite imyaka 18 gusa ! Mu mwaka wa 1955 aho yari afite imyaka 26 gusa nibwo yatsindiye impamyabushobozi y’ikirenga “Doctorat” mu bijyanye na Tewologiya (Théologie) ayihawe na kaminuza ya Boston. Niwe mushumba waba yarayoboye imbaga nyinshi y’abantu kuva intambara ya kabiri y’isi yose yarangira kugeza ubu.
Mu 1964 afite imyaka 35 gusa, yahawe igihembo cya Nobel, gihabwa abaharaniye amahoro n’ubworoherane ku isi. Kugeza n’ubu niwe muntu wagihawe akiri muto muri bose. Ku italiki ya 4 Mata 1968, ubwo yari ahagaze ku ibaraza ry’icyumba yari yarayemo I Memphis muri Leta ya Tenesee ahumeka umwuka w’umugoroba, yarashwe amasasu atatu mu gatuza, ahita agwa aho. Ubwo yari aje kwifatanya n’abirabura hamwe n’abandi basuzuguritse bo muri iyo Leta kwigaragambya berekana uburenganzira bwabo. Umugoroba ubanziriza kuraswa kwe, ku itariki ya 3 Mata 1968, ubwo yabwirizaga mu itorero rya Mason Temple Church aho I Memphis, yagize ati : “njye nageze hejuru y’umusozi tunanirwa duterera, nabonye igihugu cy’amasezerano. Nshobora kutazaba ndi kumwe namwe ubwo muzahagera, ariko ibi mbibabwiye ngira ngo musigare muzi ko njye nabonye mugera mu gihugu cy’amasezerano”. Ayo niyo magambo ya nyuma Pasiteri Martin Luther King Jr yavugiye mu ruhame.
Yashyinguwe n’imbaga y’abantu barenga ibihumbi ijana, ku italiki ya 9 Mata 1968. Yari yarashakanye na Colleta Scott King akaba nawe yaritabye Imana ku wa 31 Mutarama 2006, babyaranye abahungu 2 n’abakobwa 2. Itariki y’amavuko Martin yavukiyeho ku wa 15 Mutarama, buri mwaka iba ikiruhuko muri Amerika yose. Hoteli yarasiwemo Lorraine Motel yahise ihindurwa inzu ndangamurage naho Imva ye ikaba yaragizwe irimbi ry’intwali.
Impanuro ye yarasohoye
Inzozi ze yarose zarasohoye kuko ubu umwirabura arishyira akizana muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Twiyibukije amateka, Amerika tubona ubu yigisha amahoro na demukarasi ku isi, hashize imyaka 42 yemeye ko umwirabura ari umuntu nk’abandi, Atari hagati y’inguge n’umuntu nk’uko byari bkunze gufatwa cyane mu gice cy’amajyepfo. Mbere y’imyaka ya 1970, hari ibintu byinshi cyane umwirabura Atari afiteho uburenganzira : ntiyashoboraga gutora perezida, abadepite, inzego z’ibanze, n’ibindi. Hari amashuri y’abazungu atakandagiragamo, utubari, restaurants n’ibindi byinshi none dore intsinzi ya perezida Barack Obama, umwirabura wa mbere mu kuyobora Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika nk’umukuru w’igihugu. Yagize ati “niba hari ugishidikanya ko byose bishoboka, niba hari ufite ikibazo kuri demukarasi ya USA narebere kuri iri joro ryarangizaga amatora yo muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika”. Aya akaba ari amagambo Perezida Obama yavuze amaze kwegukana intsinzi yo kuyobora Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika.
Irani: Minisitiri yafatanywe dipolome y’impimbano akurwaho icyizere
Sibo Martin
Inama Nshingamategeko ya Irani iherutse kwirukana Minisitiri w’Ubutegetsi bw’Igihugu Ali Kordan azira ko yakoreshaga dipolome y’inyiganano. Uwo mugabo ngo yavugaga ko yayivanye muri Kaminuza izwi cyane yo mu Bwongereza yitwa “Oxford”.
Perezida wa Iran we akomeje kumuhagararaho yemeza ko bakagombye kumurebera kubyo akora. Ako kaga kajya kumugeraho byaturutse ku itangazo Kaminuza ya Oxford yasohoye ihakana yivuye inyuma ko itigeze iha Minisitiri Ali Kordan impamyabumenyi iyo ariyo yose. Umuyobozi w’Inteko Ishingamategeko ya Irani Ali Larijani yatangaje ko Abadepite 188 kuri 247 batoye ko uriya Minisitiri akurwaho icyizere. Abadepite 45 barabyanze naho 14 barifata. Mu Baminisitiri 21 Perezida Ahmedi Nejad wa Irani yari yatanze Abadepite banzemo abagera ku 10.
Ibi rero bishyira mu kaga Leta ya Ahmadinejad kuko itegeko nshinga kiriya gihugu cya Iran kigenderaho rivuga ko iyo kimwe cya kabiri cy’Abaminisitiri gikuweho icyizere Guverinoma yose igomba kweguzwa byanze bikunze. Ukuriye Inteko ya Irani Bwana Ali Larijani yagize ati “ Ibi birererekana ko Inteko itazihanganira uwo ariwe wese utagendera ku mategeko bityo gukurwaho icyizere kuri Kordan bivuze ko amategeko agomba kubahirizwa”.
Kordan yari amaze gusa amezi atatu ari Minisitiri w’Ubutegetsi bw’Igihugu. Bimaze kumenyekana ko abeshya ku mpamyabumenyi, Abadepite bahise barakara bavuga ko ahemberwa dipolome adafite bityo akaba ngo akwiye gushyirwa mu gihome. Kordan wasimbuye kuri uriya mwanya uwitwa Mustafa Mohammad, yakoze igihe kinini kuri Televiziyo ya Irani ndetse no muri Minisiteri ifite peteroli mu nshingano zayo.
Mu gihugu cya Irani Minisiteri y’Ubutegetsi bw’igihugu niyo icunga umutekano w’imbere mu gihugu, amatora no kuyategura, gushyiraho ba Guverineri no gutanga uruhushya ku mitwe ya politiki tutibagiwe n’imiryango itagengwa na Leta. Minisitiri Kordan we yatangaje ko byose ari ikosa ry’uwari uhagarariye Kaminuza ya Oxford I Tehran wamuhaye dipolome itemewe muri Oxford.
Kayira Etienne
RDC-Congo Umusirikare yirira Igisheke.
Nubwo Ingabo z’igihugu cya Repubulika Iharanira demokarasi ya Kongo (FARDC) zikomeje gutsindwa ku rugamba zirwana n’ ingabo z’umutwe wa CNDP uyoborwa na Jenerali Laurent Nkunda, Perezida Joseph Kabila wa Kongo n’abanyapolitiki b’icyo gihugu bongeye guhitamo inzira y’imirwano.
Nyuma y’aho ingabo za DRC zitakarije uduce twinshi zarimo mu burasirazuba bwa Congo-Kinshasa harimo n’ inkambi ya gisirikari ya Rumangabo ndetse zikanahunga mu mujyi wa Goma kubera ko abarwanyi ba Nkunda bari hafi kuwinjnjiramo, ibihugu by’ibihangange n’imiryango mpuzamahanga muri iyo minsi byahise byihutira kwamaganira kure ifatwa ry’Umujyi wa Goma n’inyeshyamba za Laurent Nkunda, ahubwo intumwa z’iyo miryango n’ibihugu bikomeye byo ku isi (Amerika n’Uburayi) zasabaga impande zombi zirwana (Leta ya Kinshasa na CNDP) guhagarika imirwano bakagana inzira y’ibiganiro.
Ubwo ingabo za FARDC zongeye kugaruka mu mujyi wa Goma zimaze kumenya ko abarwanyi ba Nkunda batawinjiyemo, Leta ya Kinshasa yahise itanga itangazo ko idashobora kugirana ibiganiro n’umutwe uyirwanya wa CNDP. Ni muri urwo rwego ku wa 03 Ugushyingo 2008 hatangiye kuvugwa amakuru ko Ingabo z’Igihugu cya Angola zasesekaye muri Kisangani no muri Goma mu rwego rwo gutabara ingabo za Kongo-Kinshasa mu rugamba zirwana na CNDP ya Laurent Nkunda.
Abaturage bo mu mujyi wa Goma twavuganye kuri telefone, bamwe bemeza ko mu mujyi wa Goma ngo ku wa 04 Ugushyingo 2008 hari hamaze kugera abakomanda bagera kuri 500, ariko abandi batazwi umubare ngo bari mu nzira bava Kisangani bagana muri Nord-Kivu habera imirwano.
Umwe mu bagize ingabo z’Umuryango w’Abibumbye yatangarije Radio BBC ko abo bitirira abasirikari ba Angola ngo ni ingabo za Kongo-Kinshasa zivuga ururimi rw’igi « Portugale » kubera zabaye muri icyo gihugu ubwo zari mu mahugurwa. N’ubwo uwo mugabo wo muri MONUC yahakanye ko ingabo za Angola zitari muri RDC, muri AFRIKARABIA, undi musirikari wa Monuc yemeje ko izo ngabo z’igihugu gituranyi cya Kongo-Kinshasa zamaze kuhagera ndetse ngo zatangiye kurwana muri Nord Kivu, ariko ko umubare wazo utazwi neza. Perezida Joseph Kabila kwiyambaza ingabo z’ikindi gihugu ku mutabara mu rugamba rwo kwivuna abamurwanya ni uburenganzira bwe nk’igihugu kigenga, gusa binyuranyije n’ibyo abaserukira imiryango mpuzamahanga basabaga byo kurangiza ikibazo hifashishijwe ibiganiro.
Tubibutse ko mu gihe FARDC yagaragazaga kuneshwa n’ingabo za CNDP muri Kibumba, Mushake n’ahandi hatandukanye muri Kivu y’Amajyaruguru, Inteko Nshingamategeko y’icyo gihugu yari yatoye ko Guverinoma iganira na Laurent Nkunda. Ariko inkunga z’abasirikari b’ibindi bihugu icyo cyifuzo cy’inteko yagiteye utwatsi.
Guhitamo urugamba rw’amasasu ni ugukomeza gushyira mu kaga abaturage bo muri Nord-Kivu na Sud-Kivu bamaze imyaka irenga icumi mu ntambara z’urudaca. Izindi ntara zose za DRC zibaye nk’izitekana kubera zitarimo imirwano, ariko ngo imiyoborere ntacyahindutse kuko Guverinoma ya Gizenga Antoine uherutse kwegura ntacyo yagezeho.
Uwamusimbuye ku mwanya wa Minisitiri w’intebe, Bwana Adolphe Muzito ntabwo nawe azoroherwa kuko ngo agomba kuvuguta byihutirwa umuti wo kurangiza intambara ibera muri Kivu y’Amajyaruguru, mu burasirazuba bwa Kongo-Kinshasa.
Tubibutse kandi ko imirwano hagati ya Kinshasa na CNDP ikomeje muri Nord-Kivu aho ingabo za Leta zishaka uburyo ngo zasubirana Runshuru na Mushaki ibirindiro bikomeye bya Laurent Nkunda. Umuvugizi w’ingabo za CNDP, Col. Bertin Bisimwa aremeza ko ingabo za Angola zatangiye kugaragara ku rugamba. Ibyo ngo babyumvira no ku byombo bahamagariraho, dore ko bakoresha ururimi rw’igiporitigale.
Kuza kw’ ingabo za Angola muri DRC ntibiragira gihamya neza kuko ngo zitaje mu buryo bwemewe, aho bavuga ko ziyambariye imyambaro isa n’iya FARDC (Forces Armés de la republique démocratique du Congo).
Martin Luther King yakabije inzozi
Mukagahizi Rose
Pasiteri Martin Luther King, umwirabura w’Umunyamerika, ni we wabaye ku isonga ryo kurwanirira uburenganzira bw’umwirabura muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Niwe muntu wahawe igihembo cy’amahoro akiri muto kurusha abandi. Ku itariki yavukiyeho, 15 Mutarama, ni umunsi w’ikiruhuko muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Na n’ubu , ibitekerezo bye biracyubashywe, bigenderwaho n’imiryango yose iharanira uburenganzira bwa muntu.
Pasiteri Martin Luther King Jr ni imwe mu ntwari zemerwa kandi zanditse mu mateka ya Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Yamenyekanye cyane ubwo yafataga iya mbere mu mwaka w’1955 kugeza ubwo yishwe arashwe mu mwaka w’1968. Yatitizaga Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika akoresheje amagambo ye n’inyigisho ze zirwanya ivanguramoko n’ikandamiza kubera ko umwirabura wo muri Amerika yari atarafatwa nk’umuntu, ni ukuvuga umuzungu nk’uko bakundaga kuvuga, yari hagati y’inguge n’umuntu.
Martin Luther yari intwari kuko yashize amanga maze agatangira guhamagarira no gukangurira abirabura b’Abanyamerika kwanga ako karengane mu mutuzo n’amahoro, abasaba kwerekana ko barusha bamwe mu bazungu ubumuntu : “niba umuzungu akubwiye ko uri inguge, ukamusingira mu mashati n’uburakari bwinshi, uzaba nyine werekanye ubuguge bwawe. Ariko numusekera, ukamusengera kandi ukamusabira umugisha ku Mana abyumva, uzaba umweretse ko umurusha umutima wa kimuntu”.
Si ibyo gusa kandi kuko umwirabura w’Umunyamerika atemerwaga kuba yatora, yaratotezwaga, ntiyemererwaga gucumbika mu mahoteli meza. Naho Martin ati : “benshi bakunze kubaza igihe umwirabura azatuza kwigaragambya, akemera ibimubaho : watuza ute urara uterwa hejuru n’abagutoteza ? Ni gute se watuza uzi ko umwirabura wo muri Mississipi adafite uburenganzira bwo gutora naho muri New York akaba yarigishijwe ko nta bwenge afite bwo kuba yatora ? Oya. Ntituzatuza kugeza ubwo tuzabona ubutabera butemba nk’imigezi no gukiranuka kududubiza nk’amazi asuma.
Mu rugendo rw’amahoro yari ayoboye rw’imyigaragambyo mu mutuzo, rugatitiriza intagondwa z’abazungu bo muri Amerika muri Kanama 1963, uru rugendo rukaba rwaravuye muri Leta ya Alabama kugeza i Washington DC hafi y’aho Perezida wa Amerika akorera, urwo rugendo rukaba rutazibagirana kuko mu kurusoza, Martin Luther yavugiye ijambo imbere y’abantu ibihumbi 250 bamwumvaga bucece, maze ababwira amagambo akomeye cyane atazigera yibagirana mu mateka. Yagize ati : “bene data mbabwire, ndabizi ko nimusubira mu mijyi yanyu, bari bubazize iki gikorwa tumazemo iminsi. Ariko njye ibyo ntibisiba inzozi narose. Narose ko umunsi umwe iki gihugu kizamenyekana ko abakomoka ku bacakara bazaba bicarana n’abakomoka ku babatotezaga, bakitwa abavandimwe bafite uburenganzira bungana. Narose kandi ko utwana twanjye tune tuzakura tutarebwa ku ruhu ahubwo barebwa ku mpano zabo n’umutoma ubarimo. Si ibyo byonyine. Muri iki gihugu nabonye ibikombe byose byujujwe, ibyiyita imisozi byose byaringanijwe, ibigoramye bigororotse, inzira zidaharuwe ziharurwa”. Njyewe mfite inzozi.
Yari muntu ki ?
Pasiteri Martin Luther King yavutse ku itariki ya 15 Mutarama 1929. Yavukiye mu muryango w’abatambyi, kuko guhera kuri sekuru, bose babaye abashumba (abapasiteri) mu iorero ry’Ababatisita. Yakuze yiga mu mashuri y’abirabura n’abandi nkabo. Ibyo ntibyamubujije gukurana ubwenge bwinshi kuko yarangije amashuri ye yisumbuye afite imyaka 15, akabona impamyabumenyi y’icyiciro cya kabiri cya kaminuza afite imyaka 18 gusa ! Mu mwaka wa 1955 aho yari afite imyaka 26 gusa nibwo yatsindiye impamyabushobozi y’ikirenga “Doctorat” mu bijyanye na Tewologiya (Théologie) ayihawe na kaminuza ya Boston. Niwe mushumba waba yarayoboye imbaga nyinshi y’abantu kuva intambara ya kabiri y’isi yose yarangira kugeza ubu.
Mu 1964 afite imyaka 35 gusa, yahawe igihembo cya Nobel, gihabwa abaharaniye amahoro n’ubworoherane ku isi. Kugeza n’ubu niwe muntu wagihawe akiri muto muri bose. Ku italiki ya 4 Mata 1968, ubwo yari ahagaze ku ibaraza ry’icyumba yari yarayemo I Memphis muri Leta ya Tenesee ahumeka umwuka w’umugoroba, yarashwe amasasu atatu mu gatuza, ahita agwa aho. Ubwo yari aje kwifatanya n’abirabura hamwe n’abandi basuzuguritse bo muri iyo Leta kwigaragambya berekana uburenganzira bwabo. Umugoroba ubanziriza kuraswa kwe, ku itariki ya 3 Mata 1968, ubwo yabwirizaga mu itorero rya Mason Temple Church aho I Memphis, yagize ati : “njye nageze hejuru y’umusozi tunanirwa duterera, nabonye igihugu cy’amasezerano. Nshobora kutazaba ndi kumwe namwe ubwo muzahagera, ariko ibi mbibabwiye ngira ngo musigare muzi ko njye nabonye mugera mu gihugu cy’amasezerano”. Ayo niyo magambo ya nyuma Pasiteri Martin Luther King Jr yavugiye mu ruhame.
Yashyinguwe n’imbaga y’abantu barenga ibihumbi ijana, ku italiki ya 9 Mata 1968. Yari yarashakanye na Colleta Scott King akaba nawe yaritabye Imana ku wa 31 Mutarama 2006, babyaranye abahungu 2 n’abakobwa 2. Itariki y’amavuko Martin yavukiyeho ku wa 15 Mutarama, buri mwaka iba ikiruhuko muri Amerika yose. Hoteli yarasiwemo Lorraine Motel yahise ihindurwa inzu ndangamurage naho Imva ye ikaba yaragizwe irimbi ry’intwali.
Impanuro ye yarasohoye
Inzozi ze yarose zarasohoye kuko ubu umwirabura arishyira akizana muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika. Twiyibukije amateka, Amerika tubona ubu yigisha amahoro na demukarasi ku isi, hashize imyaka 42 yemeye ko umwirabura ari umuntu nk’abandi, Atari hagati y’inguge n’umuntu nk’uko byari bkunze gufatwa cyane mu gice cy’amajyepfo. Mbere y’imyaka ya 1970, hari ibintu byinshi cyane umwirabura Atari afiteho uburenganzira : ntiyashoboraga gutora perezida, abadepite, inzego z’ibanze, n’ibindi. Hari amashuri y’abazungu atakandagiragamo, utubari, restaurants n’ibindi byinshi none dore intsinzi ya perezida Barack Obama, umwirabura wa mbere mu kuyobora Leta Zunze Ubumwe z’Amerika nk’umukuru w’igihugu. Yagize ati “niba hari ugishidikanya ko byose bishoboka, niba hari ufite ikibazo kuri demukarasi ya USA narebere kuri iri joro ryarangizaga amatora yo muri Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika”. Aya akaba ari amagambo Perezida Obama yavuze amaze kwegukana intsinzi yo kuyobora Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika.
Irani: Minisitiri yafatanywe dipolome y’impimbano akurwaho icyizere
Sibo Martin
Inama Nshingamategeko ya Irani iherutse kwirukana Minisitiri w’Ubutegetsi bw’Igihugu Ali Kordan azira ko yakoreshaga dipolome y’inyiganano. Uwo mugabo ngo yavugaga ko yayivanye muri Kaminuza izwi cyane yo mu Bwongereza yitwa “Oxford”.
Perezida wa Iran we akomeje kumuhagararaho yemeza ko bakagombye kumurebera kubyo akora. Ako kaga kajya kumugeraho byaturutse ku itangazo Kaminuza ya Oxford yasohoye ihakana yivuye inyuma ko itigeze iha Minisitiri Ali Kordan impamyabumenyi iyo ariyo yose. Umuyobozi w’Inteko Ishingamategeko ya Irani Ali Larijani yatangaje ko Abadepite 188 kuri 247 batoye ko uriya Minisitiri akurwaho icyizere. Abadepite 45 barabyanze naho 14 barifata. Mu Baminisitiri 21 Perezida Ahmedi Nejad wa Irani yari yatanze Abadepite banzemo abagera ku 10.
Ibi rero bishyira mu kaga Leta ya Ahmadinejad kuko itegeko nshinga kiriya gihugu cya Iran kigenderaho rivuga ko iyo kimwe cya kabiri cy’Abaminisitiri gikuweho icyizere Guverinoma yose igomba kweguzwa byanze bikunze. Ukuriye Inteko ya Irani Bwana Ali Larijani yagize ati “ Ibi birererekana ko Inteko itazihanganira uwo ariwe wese utagendera ku mategeko bityo gukurwaho icyizere kuri Kordan bivuze ko amategeko agomba kubahirizwa”.
Kordan yari amaze gusa amezi atatu ari Minisitiri w’Ubutegetsi bw’Igihugu. Bimaze kumenyekana ko abeshya ku mpamyabumenyi, Abadepite bahise barakara bavuga ko ahemberwa dipolome adafite bityo akaba ngo akwiye gushyirwa mu gihome. Kordan wasimbuye kuri uriya mwanya uwitwa Mustafa Mohammad, yakoze igihe kinini kuri Televiziyo ya Irani ndetse no muri Minisiteri ifite peteroli mu nshingano zayo.
Mu gihugu cya Irani Minisiteri y’Ubutegetsi bw’igihugu niyo icunga umutekano w’imbere mu gihugu, amatora no kuyategura, gushyiraho ba Guverineri no gutanga uruhushya ku mitwe ya politiki tutibagiwe n’imiryango itagengwa na Leta. Minisitiri Kordan we yatangaje ko byose ari ikosa ry’uwari uhagarariye Kaminuza ya Oxford I Tehran wamuhaye dipolome itemewe muri Oxford.
Utuntu n'Utundi
Nabeshye Bruguière abeshya amahanga – Ruzibiza
Ndamage Frank
Umutangabuhamya Abafaransa bizeye ko azashinja u Rwanda Abdul Ruzibiza Josua avugira kuri Radio Contact FM yavuze ko yabeshye umucamanza w’Umufaransa Bruguière nawe abeshya amahanga.
Ruzibiza aremeza ko atigeze avugana na Bruguière kandi ko n’abantu bavugwa muri iriya raporo benshi atabazi. Abajijwe niba koko baramuhimbiye, Ruzibiza yatangaje ko batamuhimbiye ko we ubwe yahimbye iyo nkuru ati « iyo nkuru ni impimbano ijana ku ijana (100%) ». Avuga ko abatangabuhamya benshi bavugwa muri iriya raporo Bruguière ariwe wabashakiraga umupolisi waturukaga muri Perezidansi y’Ubufaransa kandi ko ariwe wakoze iyo raporo. Ruzibiza yemeza ko yahuye na Bruguière gusa agiye gusinya iyo raporo ati nubu duhuye ntabwo yamenya. Avuga ko bahuriraga muri Ambassade y’Ubufaransa muri Uganda. Ati « ntabwo uriya mupolisi yashoboraga kubabona, biriya byose ni inkuru mpimbano ».
Ruzibiza usigaye yibera muri Norway yemez ako hari icyo Abafaransa bapfa n’u Rwanda ko we ntacyo abiziho ati « n’ibyo bavuga byose ngo niwe wabikoze ». Ariko ngo ababajwe cyane cyane n’ifatwa rya Rose. Ruzibiza yibaza impamvu Abafaransa bavuga urupfu rw’Abafaransa 3 gusa ati ubundi umusirikare atwara indege ya gisivili ate ? Yavuze ko azirengera icyo aricyo cyose ariko ko azarenganura Rose Kabuye ati « abo bose narabavuze ariko ntabwo bafite icyo bahuriyeho n’ihanurwa ry’indege yari itwaye Perezida Habyarimana ». Inkuru yo guhanura iyo ndege ni impimbano. Ruzibiza kandi yatangaje ko ibyo yatangarije abo bafaransa ko yumvise Perezida Kagame atanga amategeko abwira Gen. KAyonga ko bagomba kurasa indege itwaye Perezida Habyarimana, yatangaje ko ari impimbano ati « ntabwo nigeze ngera hafi yaho Kagame yabaga ntabwo nibura nigeze nkorera hafi nawe », ati « byose byari ibihimbano. »
Ifatwa rya Kabuye : Amategeko mpuzamahanga ararwaye - Nkongori
Twagira Wilson
Imyigaragabyo yo kwamagana icyo cyemezo i Kigali.
Umunyamategeko Maître Laurent Nkongori Laurent arasanga amategeko mpuzamahanga muri iki gihe yari akwiye gukosorwa kuko ngo asa naho arwaye, ibyo akabishingira kw’ifatwa rya Madamu Rose Kabuye ku ya 9 ugushyingo 2008 hashingiwe ku mpapuro z’umucamanza Bruguière yanditse yiyicariye iwabo mu Burayi nta n’uwo abajije.
Ibyo Maître Nkongori yabivugiye ku biro by’Imvaho Nshya ku ya 10 Ugushyingo 2008, nyuma y’uko abaturage bo mu mujyi wa Kigali, abayobozi ndetse n’abakozi ba Leta bahuriye kuri Ambasade y’Ubudage mu Rwanda mu myigaragambyo yabaye mu ituze igamije kwamagana itabwa muri yombi rya Kabuye wari Umuyobozi wa porotokole ya Perezida wa Repubulika, akaba yarafatiwe mu Budage.
Ubutabera buragenda butakaza icyizere
Mu kiganiro n’uwo munyamakuru, Maitre Nkongori yasobanuye ko imikorere y’abacamanza nka Bruguière n’abandi nka we yari ifite ahandi ibogamiye, bityo bigatuma abaturage bagenda batakaza icyizere mu butabera cyane ko ngo yateguye inyandiko ze akanazohereza nta n’umwe avuganye na we mu Rwanda. Ku bijyanye n’ikibazo cy’ihanurwa ry’indege ya Habyarimana ati « Ntiyakoze nk’umunyamwuga kuko atageze aho icyaha cyabereye ngo abaze impande zose bireba ».
Ku birebana n’ifatwa rya Madamu Kabuye Rose, Maitre Nkongori yakomeje avuga ko iriya raporo y’umucamanza Jean Louis Bruguière itakabaye ihabwa agaciro ifite, dore ko ngo na bamwe mu bakuru b’ibihugu bigize umuryango wa Afurika Yunze Ubumwe « African Union » bari bayamaganye.
Madamu Kabuye yerekanye igikorwa cy’ubutwari
Nk’umunyamategeko, twamubajije uko abibona kuba Madamu Kabuye Rose yarafashwe nyuma y’aho inzego zitandukanye zimuburiye ko hari ikibazo mbere ariko akabirengaho akagenda, Maître Nkongori Laurent asanga ari igikorwa cy’ubutwari Rose Kabuye yagaragaje cyane ko ngo nta n’icyo yishinjaga yaba yarakoze. Aha yakomeje avuga ko ari bimwe mu bizatuma abantu badakomeza kwicwa urubozo mu bitekerezo yise « Torture morale » badakomeza guterwa ubwoba buri gihe ngo nujya hariya baragufata n’ibindi ».
Mu itangazo uhagarariye Imiryango itegamiye kuri Leta yatangiye mu Kiyovu ahabereye imyigaragambyo, yibukije ko imiryango mpuzamahanga yasaba ibihugu by’Iburayi gukuraho agasuzuguro, maze Madamu Rose Kabuye akarenganurwa kuko ngo n’inyandiko yari yashingiweho mu gufata Rose Kabuye itari yahawe agaciro na A.U ndetse n’Umugabane w’Afurika muri rusange.
Yiteguye kwerekana ko ari umwere
Twibutse ko abari mu gikorwa cy’imyigaragambyo ku bari mu rugendo rw’ituze rugamije kwamagana ifatwa rya madamu Rose Kabuye bari bitwaje ibyapa byanditseho amagambo agira ati « Rose is Innocent she is ready to prove it » asobanura ngo Rose ni umwere kandi yiteguye ku bigaragaza.
Ayandi magambo yabonekaga ku byapa yagiraga ati « Twamaganye Bruguière n’ingengabitekerezo y’Abafaransa », « turamagana abacumbikira abakoze Jenoside nka Padiri Munyeshyaka Wensislasi ahubwo bagafata abayihagaritse », n’ayandi magambo yihanangiriza ubushinyaguzi n’agasuzuguro by’Abanyaburayi ku Banyafurika.
Uhagarariye Ubudage mu Rwanda yabaye asubiye iwabo
Niyonsaba Pascal
Inkurikizi y’itabwa muri yombi rya Madamu Rose Kabuye mu Budage ni ikonja ry’umubano w’u Rwanda n’Ubudage. Uwari uhagarariye Ubudage mu Rwanda Bwana Christian Clages yasabwe kuba asubiye iwabo kugeza igihe ikibazo kizabonerwa umuti.
Nk’uko byatangajwe na Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga, Madamu Rosemary Museminari, kuba u Rwanda rwarasabye ko ambasaderi w’Ubudage mu Rwanda aba asubiye iwabo atari ugucana umubano n’Ubudage, ko ari icyemezo gikurikiye ifatwa rya Madamu Rose Kabuye, Umuyobozi wa Protocole mu biro bya Perezida wa Repubulika, wafatiwe ku Kibuga cy’Indege cya Frankfort mu Budage agiye gutegura uruzinduko rwa Perezida wa Repubulika mu Budage.
Nk’uko byasobanuwe kandi na Minisitiri w’Ubutabera, Bwana Tharcisse Karugarama, icyemezo cyo gusaba ambasaderi w’Ubudage mu Rwanda, Bwana Christian Clages kuba asubiye mu gihugu cye, cyabereye rimwe no guhamagaza uhagarariye u Rwanda mu Budage Bwana Richard Gasana, hagati aho hakaba hari ibiganiro bigomba gukorwa ngo ikibazo gikemuke umubano w’Ubudage n’u Rwanda wongere umere neza.
Amakuru aturuka i Berlin mu Budage nayo yemeza ko bariya ba ambasaderi bahamagajwe kugira ngo habe ibiganiro, ngo ariko bafite icyizere cy’uko bazasubira mu mirimo yabo vuba.
Abaturage bo mu Mujyi wa Kigali twaganiriye ku kibazo cy’itabwa muri yombi rya Madamu Rose Kabuye, bavuze ko bibabaje kuko manda zo kumufata ubwazo nta mategeko zishingiyeho; ahubwo ari amarangamutima n’ubuhorahorane bituruka ku kimwaro Ubufaransa bufite kubera uruhare bwagize muri jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi mu 1994.
Mu 2006, nibwo Ubufaransa bwihishe inyuma y’umucamanza Louis Bruguière maze busohora inyandiko zisaba itabwa muri yombi ry’abayobozi bakuru 9 bo mu Rwanda ngo baba baragize uruhare mu iraswa ry’indege yari itwaye Perezida Habyarimana. Abo bazungu bemeza ko ariyo yabaye imbarutso ya ya jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi mu 1994.
Muri abo bantu 9 baregwa n’Ubufaransa harimo Madamu Rose Kabuye. Nk’uko byagaragaye muri Kigali no hirya no hino mu gihugu, ntabwo Abanyarwanda bishimiye kiriya gikorwa cyo gufatira Madamu Rose Kabuye i Frankfort mu Budage, ku cyumweru tariki ya 9 Ugushyingo 2008. Abanyarwanda bemeza ko kiriya gikorwa ari ukuvogera ubusugire bw’u Rwanda, kuko bitumvikana ko umuntu wagize uruhare mu guhagarika jenoside afatwa igihe muri ayo mahanga abakoze jenoside bidegembya. Guhamagaza abahagarariye Ubudage n’u Rwanda ni ugushmangira icyifuzo cy’ibihugu bya Afurika byamaganye ibihugu by’i Burayi byitwaza ubutabera mpuzamahanga bigahohotera abayobozi bo mu bihugu bya Afurika.
Mu myigaragambyo abaturage bo mu nzego zitandukanye bakoreye mu Mujyi wa Kigali, ntibahwemye kugaragaza ko gufata Rose Kabuye ari agasuzuguro n’ubwirasi bikabije, bakaba bamagana byimazeyo Abafaransa n’Abadage babashyigikiye mu mugambi wabo wo guhungabanya u Rwanda n’abarutuye. U Rwanda rurasaba ko Rose Kabuye arekurwa mu maguru mashya.
Ku ngingo y’ivangura mbahitiyemo kumvira ijeri-Minisitiri Habineza
Ahishakiye J. d’Amour
na Mukagahizi Rose
Umugani w’umugenurano w’ikinyarwanda uvuga ko ngo uwanze kumvira se na nyina yumvira ijeri. Minisitiri w’Umuco na Siporo, Joseph Habineza arasanga hari ubwo abana bakwiye gutinyuka bakima amatwi ababyeyi babo igihe baba babona ko inyigisho babaha zitanogeye umunyarwanda ugambiriye kwiteza imbere.
Ibi Minisitiri Habineza Joseph yasabye abana 416 bari bateraniye mu nama Nkuru ya Kane y’Abana, inama abana bahisemo guha insanganyamatsiko igaragaza uruhare rwabo mu kurwanya ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Minisitiri Habineza akaba yarahamirije abana ko n’ubwo kumvira ababyeyi ari umuco mwiza buri wese ashima, ababyeyi babiba amacakubiri, urwango n’uburozi badakwiye kubahwa no kumvirwa muri izo nyigisho mbi. Minisitiri Habineza ati « Rwose uburenganzira bwo kuvuguruza ababyeyi nk’abo, uburenganzira bwo kubasuzugura no kubashyira ahagaragara ndabubahaye kandi ntihazagire ububambura ». minisitiri Habineza ni umwe mu baganiriye n’abana baje bahagarariye abandi mu Nama nkuru ya Kane y’Abana, inama yari ifite insanganyamatsiko igira iti Uruhare rw’abana mu kurwanya ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Abana bakaba baragaragaje ko abenshi bakomora ingengabitekerezo ku babyeyi n’abarezi babo. Ubushakashatsi bwakozwe n’Inteko Ishinga Amategeko Umutwe w’Abadepite bukaba nabwo bwaragaragaje ko abana batekererwa ubwo burozi n’abantu bakuru. Minisitirri Habineza rero agasaba abana bose kujya bima amatwi abo bose bitwikira ububasha n’inshingano nziza bakabaye bafite ku bana bakabaha uburozi.
Minisitiri Habineza yashishikarije abana kwiga bashyizeho umwete, ati « kandi uzabishaka wese akabishyiraho ubushake azabishobora ». Minisitiri Habineza yabagiriye inama yo gukurikiza urugero rwa perezida mushya wa Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika wagendeye ku ntego igira iti « Yes we can » (Yego twarabishoboye), akaba yarageze ku rwego abenshi batamutekerezagaho. Abana nabo bakaba baratahanye indahiro n’intego ivuga ko nabo bagiye gushishikara mu byo bifuza byiza byose, kandi bakaba biyemeje ko bazabigeraho nta shiti. Mu byo biyemeje ku ikubitiro harimo guhugura no guhindura imyumvire mibi ya bamwe mu babyeyi babo, bagatana burundu n’ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Abana bose bati « Yes, we can ».
Ndamage Frank
Umutangabuhamya Abafaransa bizeye ko azashinja u Rwanda Abdul Ruzibiza Josua avugira kuri Radio Contact FM yavuze ko yabeshye umucamanza w’Umufaransa Bruguière nawe abeshya amahanga.
Ruzibiza aremeza ko atigeze avugana na Bruguière kandi ko n’abantu bavugwa muri iriya raporo benshi atabazi. Abajijwe niba koko baramuhimbiye, Ruzibiza yatangaje ko batamuhimbiye ko we ubwe yahimbye iyo nkuru ati « iyo nkuru ni impimbano ijana ku ijana (100%) ». Avuga ko abatangabuhamya benshi bavugwa muri iriya raporo Bruguière ariwe wabashakiraga umupolisi waturukaga muri Perezidansi y’Ubufaransa kandi ko ariwe wakoze iyo raporo. Ruzibiza yemeza ko yahuye na Bruguière gusa agiye gusinya iyo raporo ati nubu duhuye ntabwo yamenya. Avuga ko bahuriraga muri Ambassade y’Ubufaransa muri Uganda. Ati « ntabwo uriya mupolisi yashoboraga kubabona, biriya byose ni inkuru mpimbano ».
Ruzibiza usigaye yibera muri Norway yemez ako hari icyo Abafaransa bapfa n’u Rwanda ko we ntacyo abiziho ati « n’ibyo bavuga byose ngo niwe wabikoze ». Ariko ngo ababajwe cyane cyane n’ifatwa rya Rose. Ruzibiza yibaza impamvu Abafaransa bavuga urupfu rw’Abafaransa 3 gusa ati ubundi umusirikare atwara indege ya gisivili ate ? Yavuze ko azirengera icyo aricyo cyose ariko ko azarenganura Rose Kabuye ati « abo bose narabavuze ariko ntabwo bafite icyo bahuriyeho n’ihanurwa ry’indege yari itwaye Perezida Habyarimana ». Inkuru yo guhanura iyo ndege ni impimbano. Ruzibiza kandi yatangaje ko ibyo yatangarije abo bafaransa ko yumvise Perezida Kagame atanga amategeko abwira Gen. KAyonga ko bagomba kurasa indege itwaye Perezida Habyarimana, yatangaje ko ari impimbano ati « ntabwo nigeze ngera hafi yaho Kagame yabaga ntabwo nibura nigeze nkorera hafi nawe », ati « byose byari ibihimbano. »
Ifatwa rya Kabuye : Amategeko mpuzamahanga ararwaye - Nkongori
Twagira Wilson
Imyigaragabyo yo kwamagana icyo cyemezo i Kigali.
Umunyamategeko Maître Laurent Nkongori Laurent arasanga amategeko mpuzamahanga muri iki gihe yari akwiye gukosorwa kuko ngo asa naho arwaye, ibyo akabishingira kw’ifatwa rya Madamu Rose Kabuye ku ya 9 ugushyingo 2008 hashingiwe ku mpapuro z’umucamanza Bruguière yanditse yiyicariye iwabo mu Burayi nta n’uwo abajije.
Ibyo Maître Nkongori yabivugiye ku biro by’Imvaho Nshya ku ya 10 Ugushyingo 2008, nyuma y’uko abaturage bo mu mujyi wa Kigali, abayobozi ndetse n’abakozi ba Leta bahuriye kuri Ambasade y’Ubudage mu Rwanda mu myigaragambyo yabaye mu ituze igamije kwamagana itabwa muri yombi rya Kabuye wari Umuyobozi wa porotokole ya Perezida wa Repubulika, akaba yarafatiwe mu Budage.
Ubutabera buragenda butakaza icyizere
Mu kiganiro n’uwo munyamakuru, Maitre Nkongori yasobanuye ko imikorere y’abacamanza nka Bruguière n’abandi nka we yari ifite ahandi ibogamiye, bityo bigatuma abaturage bagenda batakaza icyizere mu butabera cyane ko ngo yateguye inyandiko ze akanazohereza nta n’umwe avuganye na we mu Rwanda. Ku bijyanye n’ikibazo cy’ihanurwa ry’indege ya Habyarimana ati « Ntiyakoze nk’umunyamwuga kuko atageze aho icyaha cyabereye ngo abaze impande zose bireba ».
Ku birebana n’ifatwa rya Madamu Kabuye Rose, Maitre Nkongori yakomeje avuga ko iriya raporo y’umucamanza Jean Louis Bruguière itakabaye ihabwa agaciro ifite, dore ko ngo na bamwe mu bakuru b’ibihugu bigize umuryango wa Afurika Yunze Ubumwe « African Union » bari bayamaganye.
Madamu Kabuye yerekanye igikorwa cy’ubutwari
Nk’umunyamategeko, twamubajije uko abibona kuba Madamu Kabuye Rose yarafashwe nyuma y’aho inzego zitandukanye zimuburiye ko hari ikibazo mbere ariko akabirengaho akagenda, Maître Nkongori Laurent asanga ari igikorwa cy’ubutwari Rose Kabuye yagaragaje cyane ko ngo nta n’icyo yishinjaga yaba yarakoze. Aha yakomeje avuga ko ari bimwe mu bizatuma abantu badakomeza kwicwa urubozo mu bitekerezo yise « Torture morale » badakomeza guterwa ubwoba buri gihe ngo nujya hariya baragufata n’ibindi ».
Mu itangazo uhagarariye Imiryango itegamiye kuri Leta yatangiye mu Kiyovu ahabereye imyigaragambyo, yibukije ko imiryango mpuzamahanga yasaba ibihugu by’Iburayi gukuraho agasuzuguro, maze Madamu Rose Kabuye akarenganurwa kuko ngo n’inyandiko yari yashingiweho mu gufata Rose Kabuye itari yahawe agaciro na A.U ndetse n’Umugabane w’Afurika muri rusange.
Yiteguye kwerekana ko ari umwere
Twibutse ko abari mu gikorwa cy’imyigaragambyo ku bari mu rugendo rw’ituze rugamije kwamagana ifatwa rya madamu Rose Kabuye bari bitwaje ibyapa byanditseho amagambo agira ati « Rose is Innocent she is ready to prove it » asobanura ngo Rose ni umwere kandi yiteguye ku bigaragaza.
Ayandi magambo yabonekaga ku byapa yagiraga ati « Twamaganye Bruguière n’ingengabitekerezo y’Abafaransa », « turamagana abacumbikira abakoze Jenoside nka Padiri Munyeshyaka Wensislasi ahubwo bagafata abayihagaritse », n’ayandi magambo yihanangiriza ubushinyaguzi n’agasuzuguro by’Abanyaburayi ku Banyafurika.
Uhagarariye Ubudage mu Rwanda yabaye asubiye iwabo
Niyonsaba Pascal
Inkurikizi y’itabwa muri yombi rya Madamu Rose Kabuye mu Budage ni ikonja ry’umubano w’u Rwanda n’Ubudage. Uwari uhagarariye Ubudage mu Rwanda Bwana Christian Clages yasabwe kuba asubiye iwabo kugeza igihe ikibazo kizabonerwa umuti.
Nk’uko byatangajwe na Minisitiri w’Ububanyi n’Amahanga, Madamu Rosemary Museminari, kuba u Rwanda rwarasabye ko ambasaderi w’Ubudage mu Rwanda aba asubiye iwabo atari ugucana umubano n’Ubudage, ko ari icyemezo gikurikiye ifatwa rya Madamu Rose Kabuye, Umuyobozi wa Protocole mu biro bya Perezida wa Repubulika, wafatiwe ku Kibuga cy’Indege cya Frankfort mu Budage agiye gutegura uruzinduko rwa Perezida wa Repubulika mu Budage.
Nk’uko byasobanuwe kandi na Minisitiri w’Ubutabera, Bwana Tharcisse Karugarama, icyemezo cyo gusaba ambasaderi w’Ubudage mu Rwanda, Bwana Christian Clages kuba asubiye mu gihugu cye, cyabereye rimwe no guhamagaza uhagarariye u Rwanda mu Budage Bwana Richard Gasana, hagati aho hakaba hari ibiganiro bigomba gukorwa ngo ikibazo gikemuke umubano w’Ubudage n’u Rwanda wongere umere neza.
Amakuru aturuka i Berlin mu Budage nayo yemeza ko bariya ba ambasaderi bahamagajwe kugira ngo habe ibiganiro, ngo ariko bafite icyizere cy’uko bazasubira mu mirimo yabo vuba.
Abaturage bo mu Mujyi wa Kigali twaganiriye ku kibazo cy’itabwa muri yombi rya Madamu Rose Kabuye, bavuze ko bibabaje kuko manda zo kumufata ubwazo nta mategeko zishingiyeho; ahubwo ari amarangamutima n’ubuhorahorane bituruka ku kimwaro Ubufaransa bufite kubera uruhare bwagize muri jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi mu 1994.
Mu 2006, nibwo Ubufaransa bwihishe inyuma y’umucamanza Louis Bruguière maze busohora inyandiko zisaba itabwa muri yombi ry’abayobozi bakuru 9 bo mu Rwanda ngo baba baragize uruhare mu iraswa ry’indege yari itwaye Perezida Habyarimana. Abo bazungu bemeza ko ariyo yabaye imbarutso ya ya jenoside yakorewe Abatutsi mu 1994.
Muri abo bantu 9 baregwa n’Ubufaransa harimo Madamu Rose Kabuye. Nk’uko byagaragaye muri Kigali no hirya no hino mu gihugu, ntabwo Abanyarwanda bishimiye kiriya gikorwa cyo gufatira Madamu Rose Kabuye i Frankfort mu Budage, ku cyumweru tariki ya 9 Ugushyingo 2008. Abanyarwanda bemeza ko kiriya gikorwa ari ukuvogera ubusugire bw’u Rwanda, kuko bitumvikana ko umuntu wagize uruhare mu guhagarika jenoside afatwa igihe muri ayo mahanga abakoze jenoside bidegembya. Guhamagaza abahagarariye Ubudage n’u Rwanda ni ugushmangira icyifuzo cy’ibihugu bya Afurika byamaganye ibihugu by’i Burayi byitwaza ubutabera mpuzamahanga bigahohotera abayobozi bo mu bihugu bya Afurika.
Mu myigaragambyo abaturage bo mu nzego zitandukanye bakoreye mu Mujyi wa Kigali, ntibahwemye kugaragaza ko gufata Rose Kabuye ari agasuzuguro n’ubwirasi bikabije, bakaba bamagana byimazeyo Abafaransa n’Abadage babashyigikiye mu mugambi wabo wo guhungabanya u Rwanda n’abarutuye. U Rwanda rurasaba ko Rose Kabuye arekurwa mu maguru mashya.
Ku ngingo y’ivangura mbahitiyemo kumvira ijeri-Minisitiri Habineza
Ahishakiye J. d’Amour
na Mukagahizi Rose
Umugani w’umugenurano w’ikinyarwanda uvuga ko ngo uwanze kumvira se na nyina yumvira ijeri. Minisitiri w’Umuco na Siporo, Joseph Habineza arasanga hari ubwo abana bakwiye gutinyuka bakima amatwi ababyeyi babo igihe baba babona ko inyigisho babaha zitanogeye umunyarwanda ugambiriye kwiteza imbere.
Ibi Minisitiri Habineza Joseph yasabye abana 416 bari bateraniye mu nama Nkuru ya Kane y’Abana, inama abana bahisemo guha insanganyamatsiko igaragaza uruhare rwabo mu kurwanya ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Minisitiri Habineza akaba yarahamirije abana ko n’ubwo kumvira ababyeyi ari umuco mwiza buri wese ashima, ababyeyi babiba amacakubiri, urwango n’uburozi badakwiye kubahwa no kumvirwa muri izo nyigisho mbi. Minisitiri Habineza ati « Rwose uburenganzira bwo kuvuguruza ababyeyi nk’abo, uburenganzira bwo kubasuzugura no kubashyira ahagaragara ndabubahaye kandi ntihazagire ububambura ». minisitiri Habineza ni umwe mu baganiriye n’abana baje bahagarariye abandi mu Nama nkuru ya Kane y’Abana, inama yari ifite insanganyamatsiko igira iti Uruhare rw’abana mu kurwanya ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Abana bakaba baragaragaje ko abenshi bakomora ingengabitekerezo ku babyeyi n’abarezi babo. Ubushakashatsi bwakozwe n’Inteko Ishinga Amategeko Umutwe w’Abadepite bukaba nabwo bwaragaragaje ko abana batekererwa ubwo burozi n’abantu bakuru. Minisitirri Habineza rero agasaba abana bose kujya bima amatwi abo bose bitwikira ububasha n’inshingano nziza bakabaye bafite ku bana bakabaha uburozi.
Minisitiri Habineza yashishikarije abana kwiga bashyizeho umwete, ati « kandi uzabishaka wese akabishyiraho ubushake azabishobora ». Minisitiri Habineza yabagiriye inama yo gukurikiza urugero rwa perezida mushya wa Leta Zunze Ubumwe za Amerika wagendeye ku ntego igira iti « Yes we can » (Yego twarabishoboye), akaba yarageze ku rwego abenshi batamutekerezagaho. Abana nabo bakaba baratahanye indahiro n’intego ivuga ko nabo bagiye gushishikara mu byo bifuza byiza byose, kandi bakaba biyemeje ko bazabigeraho nta shiti. Mu byo biyemeje ku ikubitiro harimo guhugura no guhindura imyumvire mibi ya bamwe mu babyeyi babo, bagatana burundu n’ingengabitekerezo ya jenoside. Abana bose bati « Yes, we can ».
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